$4.5 180 player SNG (QK)

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$4.5 180 player SNG (QK)

Blinds 400/800 75 ante
Player 5 has the button
* Dealing down cards *
Dealt to Hero [ Ks Qc ]
[22362] Hero raises [1600] - VPIP: 25, PFR: 19, 3B: 8, AF: 3.2, Hands: 66767
[6233] Player2 raises [6233] - VPIP: 15, PFR: 13, 3B: 13, AF: 0.0, Hands: 46
[20287] Player3 folds - VPIP: 26, PFR: 19, 3B: 6, AF: 2.6, Hands: 157
[8240] Player4 raises [8240] - VPIP: 19, PFR: 15, 3B: 10, AF: 2.0, Hands: 240
[12860] Player5 folds - VPIP: 15, PFR: 9, 3B: 5, AF: 1.5, Hands: 111
[15018] Player6 folds - VPIP: 21, PFR: 18, 3B: 6, AF: 1.4, Hands: 331
[25621] Player9 folds - VPIP: 16, PFR: 15, 3B: 6, AF: 1.3, Hands: 146
Hero folds

I don't know if my fold was the right move here. At the time I felt the table was quite weak so I thought I would wait for a better spot. There was about 20 players left in the $4.50 180 players.

I crunched some numbers and I believe I need to be winning 26% of the time to be a +EV call. So am I being to nitty or is it a good fold?

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