400$ MTT Live - Coldcalling AA pre

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400$ MTT Live - Coldcalling AA pre

Hand goes:
Ten handed Blinds 800/1.6k
Utg (chipleader) opens 3.2k, hero(35bbs)in mp1 flats the 3.2k with AsAh, BB calls

Flop Kd9sJd (~11.5k)

Utg cbets 4000, hero ?

I chose to flat because I've already seem him folding to some 3bets so basically not a good spot for getting him to fold lot of the time when he basically can never have 4bet bluff range.

Flop isn't great for me, though his sizing makes me feeling pretty confident about my hand as I think he's fairly likely to bet much bigger with 2pr+.

Also I dont think it is a great spot to 2nd bet him and isolating to the strongest part of his range, but at the same time bb could be peeling many things and it isnt great spot to get 3way on the turn, I decided to call, but if you agree or disagree or see any other alternatives/options would be nice you to share them.

Thank you guys!

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