$400 live MTT - Rejam spot with 20bbs?
Posted by ralphykid67
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Mid Stakes
$400 live MTT - Rejam spot with 20bbs?
Blinds 400/800 w/800 bb ante
UTG weak tight nit limps in 800
MP good LAG reg iso raises to 2100
Hero next to act in CO with KQs sitting on 16,200 (20bbs)
The reg has at least 60k, stacks behind are button 30k, Sb 14k, and Bb 12k.
A lot of weak players at this table but the structure is fast. KQs is such a good hand to see a flop with IP I felt it was fine to peel. Plan was to call it off if either of the blinds jammed. If either blinds shove and UTG continues I'm done. Thoughts? Should I just be re-jamming over the 2.5bb iso? It kinda sucks to call it off with K high if the blinds shove, but I think we're priced in getting 1.75-1 vs a range of something like: 66+, A10s+. Some players will show up with hands like QJs and J10s in a squeeze spot like this.
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