3bet shove or flat vs agro

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3bet shove or flat vs agro

I was playing a live 120€ mtt, there were 32 players ramaining and 24 were paid. I got A5o in the BB. I had around 12BB's and the chip stack was playing pretty aggro. He or x2.2 in the Hj and I wasn't sure what was the best play. Finally, I called and the flop came 246 rainbow, I check and he cbets around 40% of the pot. Would u prefer just shoving preflop? What 3bet Range I should have in this spot? And what would u do in the flop as played?

Many thanks.


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ckooper 8 years, 1 month ago

I think that with 12bb A5o its not a good hand to defend on BB because has a bad playability post flop and you will be commited if you call a cbet or raise. If you think villian has a wide range above 35% 3bet shove is the best option in my opinion. If you are not sure its ok to fold A5o and wait for a better spot

SemiFreddo 8 years, 1 month ago

Call is fine from BB as you get a great price. As played check jam flop.
You can also 3bet jam this preflop as it looks like he opens too wide

TVanDijk 8 years, 1 month ago

I would suggest that both options in the BB are fine.

Personally, I would prefer the 3B shove over his OR. Because he is aggro he will fold a high percentage of his OPR.

If he is extremely passive post flop(doesn't cbet enough/folds to donk bets/folds to a bet on turn after CB) it is a good opportunity to defend and donk bet range preferential flops/or checkraise all in on range preferential flops when you back gutshots/backdoors.

Would like to hear your thoughts.

Hex777 8 years, 1 month ago

I've been in the situation a few times recently and I think the most important questions are what was the average stack size and how many of the remaining players had stacks shorter than you? More often than not, I find I make the money by waiting for a better hand and not acting and letting 8 others try and improve their stacks and get knocked out.

hector.mds1 8 years, 1 month ago

of course the strategy can change if the average bb's is 6 or 50, or if we are near the bubble. But in general, we can't avoid EV+ spots

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