$$ 37K on top ! $$ LIVE mtt $$ Very hard call to make (or fold) 4 left to highroller wsop cannes (2,5k buy in) $$
Posted by Bulka
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High Stakes
$$ 37K on top ! $$ LIVE mtt $$ Very hard call to make (or fold) 4 left to highroller wsop cannes (2,5k buy in) $$
Hello guys !
The hand begin just after the bubble ( 5 people paid we are 4 left ) the table is quite hard for this kind of tournament.
Btn open (from Pierre Merlin Party pro i guess ) a fold from sb (Antonin teisseire wsop bracelets owner) and the whale (me ^^)
decide to make the call on bb with 3s4s vs 2,1x open Pierre was probably loosin up is opening range because i was playing
quite tight and Antonin as well .
The effective stack is around 30bb. No big short stack on table we are all between 25 and 50 bb i have 40 bb.
The flop is 6c7c3s i check he c bet very large 3/4 pot .
i make the call turn is ace of spades i check he overbet the pot all in 1,3 times the pot.
So we have pair gutshot and f draw if i make the call and loose i keep 10bb.
What you think is the best action here ?
Did you think the previous street are missplayed ?
Thank you for your answer and comments guys
And sorry for my poor english competence ^^
The payouts are :
1 37 k
2 23 k
3 13,5 k
4 8,5k
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Hey man !
As played I think that was a standart fold, because you dont have odds to call, and of course de ICM/risk Premium onnthe hand.
On the Flop, O think irá a good check raise opportunity, what you think? Check raise Flop and shove manter turns.
Call and chop the pot because there are two 3s in the deck. ;)
Assuming one of the other flop cards was a spade: you will want to play for stacks here. While you can fold here more than usual, folding this means you are basically folding 90% of your range, and that is too exploitable. You have good equity in this pot, and he does not need to be bluffing much for you to have 50% against his range.
Don't forget also that if you win this hand, you will be chip leader, meaning you have quite a bit of potential future equity that compensates for this poor ICM spot. And you don't even bust if you lose.
Check-jamming flop is also totally reasonable if you think he is out of line often enough.
I hope you are right Baracuda.
I really think i missplay this spot.
Cr against this size c bet probably very good in theory not so good in practice.
Probably people are too much value heavy there triying to make me giveup some draws with value hand and some big draws.
In game the table was very hard and i was tinking :
His probably valuebetting 88 to queens for this c bet size and shove turn ( i cant really have an ace is just a big blank) and big draws.
I need 36 % equity for a cheap EV breakeven call.
Im Having 37% against pairs and flipping against big draws (im having around 55% agaisnt a hand like 89 spades) + the fact i can be against sometimes a light shove with a naked f draw or straight draw put me after a long tank in a calling position.
My opponent was opening very wide he finally have 63s , after the showdown if i now he open so wide maybe the call is not so bad he can have all the 5x f draw 4x f draw all the gutshot f draw i donk think his using this line with a straight or set very often and i block some 2 pairs combo.
Probably im not taking in consideration icm enough , im mostly playing cash so i love icm punts lol
You want to be check raising this flop very aggressively due to ICM pressure on your opponent and how your ranges interact with it, you have a nut advantage in terms of range but also you have a nice blocker to sets and 2 pair and a blocker to the straight. It also makes a nice check raise because you don't block the draws you're happy to get it in with like 85, 98 or flush draws so I'd have this in my XR range. Call is probably still fine but you're folding on so many turns and allowing villain to realise so much equity that I'd rather jam and ensure I get 100% equity realisation and villain doesnt, with so much of the villains range containing overcards folding out their not insignificant equity is actually very valuable especially when we cannot bluff catch effectively. Also ICM pressure, villain probably overfolds in this spot.
On the turn this is a mandatory call, a 3 or 5 is almost certainly an out and a 4 is an out at least half of the time probably more plus he's now turned some flush draws/combo draws himself that are going to bluff here
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