$365 MTT Live- WSOPC Hand #1

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$365 MTT Live- WSOPC Hand #1

150/300bb 25ante

Hero ~75k stack from 20k starting. Was blessed with AA and KK and a few other monsters early where I got paid huge. Table is very soft.
Villain ~ 35k stack. Good reg that is more of a cash game player. We have some history from cash games. Nothing too specific but we both know each other are regs who have been around for years.

Action- One passive/bad limper in EP with about 20k stack, Villain raises in HJ to 1100. Folds to hero in SB with 1010. Hero?

I decided to 3b to 3400. Hand is too strong to just flat imo, especially being OOP and considering that Vil's iso-raise range should be pretty wide. I felt like just calling was far too passive. Thoughts? How about the sizing?

Limper folds and it's back to villain who 4-bets it to 9k. Hero?

I decided to fold. I felt it was too early to play a monster pot with one of the only good players at the table. Especially since we're both very deep. Just looked like a recipe for disaster. If I flat I'm OOP with a vulnerable hand in a bloated pot. If I 5-bet I'm committed against his shove. I felt handcuffed here like folding was the only option. Thoughts?


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MordorMtDoom 7 years, 5 months ago

I think calling is fine on the SB especially if you know that villain can isolate the limper fairly wide. 3betting is good too, but a smaller size, something like 2700-2800.
3.4k seems to me like you're holding a vulnerable hand that wants to charge a higher price for protection. That's usually the case when playing live, from my experience
Fold to 4bet, keep your stack

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