33$ FO bluff catching.
Posted by dantonius18
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Mid Stakes
33$ FO bluff catching.
Were 40bb effective. at blinds 2k/4k. I open j10s bvb, he flats.
Flop: J66r I bet 11k into 24k. He checks.
Turn: 4c, I check, he fires 30k into 45k or so. I call
River: Kc, I check he fires 40k into 105k.
Board: Jc664cKc
I tank and call after a minute.
FWIW Hes running 17/13 over 95 hands. 4% 3b
He shows K4o obviously, and im there kinda feeling like an idiot cause I beat nothing he value bets here. But at the same time, im losing to AJ, 6x and Kj usually so I really thought he would have air a ton here. So yeah, should I just fold to this sizing and call bigger/smaller bets on river? Like if he polarizes I can snap him off usually but this sizing is kinda telling us to fold imo.
Thoughts on all streets appreciated.
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Flop fine. Turn is tricky. I don't mind the check at all, but I think check/jam is a smarter line. Board still isn't the worst, but it's not the best to check/call and give him control on a river when a lot of the deck can potentially be bad(clubs/Q/K/A...and sometimes some straight draw combos now as well) and you let him play pretty perfectly on river against you. River is just an awful card and you need to find a fold there.
Regarding preflop, I'm pretty happy getting peeled by a wide range with TJs 40x deep. Ok we may be firing once and giving up some % but far more good things can happen. A hand well played imo.
River is pretty gross due to his sizing. I would think that if he had air he'd bet at least 1/2pot considering how big his turn bet was and if he had Jx he'd probably checking back a large % of time since it looks like he's sizing the turn to protect it and now wouldn't go for value once the K hits. I think I find a fold here, but in the future I wish people would leave out the results as I think it helps a lot with the discussion.
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