3 handed big 16.50 Sb to BB shove, correct or not?
Posted by PopCokeSoda
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Low Stakes
3 handed big 16.50 Sb to BB shove, correct or not?
The Big 16.50, final table, already down to 3handed I am shortest stack with 16BBs. To my right is a total aggrodonk, tagged as 'noob' (I don't stream, so I can use the non-PC tags ;) ) who ran hotter than hell winning the most incredible preflop all-ins open shoving for 30bbs with A3o MP earlier at the FT, etc. He's the chip leader and shoves into the both of us around 60-70% of the time, but in this particular hand he folded pre. To my left is a guy who definitely played on the nitty side with 17/14/3b-8 over 248 hand sample.
Hand screenshot
Problem is that I'm now unsure if that shove into the nit is correct with my 74s.
1st question: is this chart reliable? (I shoved based on it) - mtt push/fold chart
2nd question: are there ICM implications (if so, how important) when I'm shortest stack, everyone folded to me and I'm on the SB?
3rd question: is this shove correct?
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I fold, you can wait another best combo.
I think in game i shove 22+;A2o+;A2s+K8s+;KTo+;QJ+
Hey, so i would shove this. ICM probably says its a shove and he has to fold a ton of combos he has there. If he really was a Nit as you said i think its even more of a shove. On the other hand i guess you will get better spots there with the other lose guy on the button. i think the shove is fine. also ICM should be pretty important here because you are 3 handed and you only got 7bb less then the guy in the BB.
If you are willing to call the aggro CL light, then I would fold this.
If you dont wanna stack off against him to loose, I would nearly openpush any2 into the NIT (when <20bb and the cl does just openshoves).
Because it doenst get you anywhere if you just blind out because the NIT with more BB than you wont usually get active against the CL at all.
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