$3 1k GTD
Posted by Ryan
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Low Stakes
$3 1k GTD
Hero raise HJ 2bb w 10.66bb stack holding 99
Folds to BB who jams all in covering hero, no information. First hour into rebuy tournament. Do we call off the last 8.6bb, or fold?
I'm thinking that a BB isnt going to be rejamming low PP being able to just click call. So seems like we are going to be coin flipping alot/beat by larger pairs when we can fold and use our skill edge in later spots/be shoving ourselves w some fold equity.
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You should open push with this, holding only about 10bb at the start of the hand.
When you raise, and not shove, you should call to a jam. You already got 20% of your stack in the middle with a hand as strong as 99.
I think I have a skill edge having 10bb and no antes in play at this stage. Would this still become a shove?
100% a shove, not a doubt.
This is a simple equity calculation. When we face this shove we are getting 13.16 to 8.66 to call here or 1.52 to 1. Against a range of something like 88+ and AJs+ AQo+ we have about 43% equity which is more than enough.
I was thinking villain might only jam higher pairs and large broadways. thought that a fold might preserve my ability to play in later pots. I've been using alot of min raises and they seem super effective against these weak players im facing. Ive been using the thought process "if I have 10bb, I dont want to just jam my whole stack because I think I can navigate a 10bb stack well enough in different spots" lol. But maybe I should raise the threshold a little bit. been noticing at this micro sng turbos and stuff people arent rejamming me very wide, and choose a passive strategy trying to make hands
I would open shove this hand pre also. It is better to realize our equity with the hand pre than to take the chance of folding the best hand later on. With this stack size we are priced in toncall a shove anyways and the shove is harder for our opponents to play against.
When you say “this hand” are you using multiple sizings pre? Or shoving entire opening range ?
With 10bb I think our entire opening range is a shove. If you got 12bb, you could mix in some min raises with polarized hands like KK-AA and hands like 64s, that you fold when getting shoved on. You could mix in a limping range, as this makes you more able to play postflop with a shallow stack (this is a very high level play, and very difficult to master, so be careful if you decide to implement a limping range)
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