$280 buy-in FT KJs (9bb) in BB with ante.
Posted by RunItTw1ce
Posted by RunItTw1ce posted in Mid Stakes
$280 buy-in FT KJs (9bb) in BB with ante.
$280 buyin / 72 entrants
1st $5220 + $350 Voucher
2nd $2880 + $350 Voucher
3rd $1810 + $350 Voucher
4th $1190 + $350 Voucher
5th $1190
6th $930
7th $790
8th $710
Eight players remaining, two other short stacks, one in Cutoff seems to be waiting out other short stacks trying to ladder up. One in MP about 3 hands away from BB, has about 50k.
6000/12000+12,000 bb ante.
utg1 (100K) folds
mp1 (600k) opens 36k
LJ (400k) folds
HJ (50K) folds
CO (80k) folds
BTN (100k) folds
SB (60k) folds
Hero BB (71k +12k bb + 12k ante / 95k (8bb) total to start the hand) KhJh ???
When I plug this hand into SnapShove app it gives me the following range
A2s+, A8o+
K7s+, K10o+
Q9s+, QJo+
What range are you reshoving here given you have no fold equity against this player? He is opening wide range for big sizes all the time 3-5bb. There are two other short stacks, not really worried about laddering up, trying to win, but what is the correct reshoving range. Seems like the reshove range is a bit light given zero FE.
Hand #2
Blinds 4k/8k ten handed at the time (two tables of 5 each) Top 12 paid out, so already ITM.
UTG shoves 38k (4.75bb)
Hero (119k) A9o ?
BB (49k)
I am guessing this is easy reshove spot as utg is going to be shoving a wide range here.
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