2.5 180 ATs bu vs bb

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2.5 180 ATs bu vs bb


this is the hand...its near the bubble of a 2.5 180...i guess i could just shove pre...but i elect to minraise which i think is standard and fine....once sb flats and bb reships is my fold too nitty or is it ok?
no stats on players they were just randoms at these stakes i would assume pretty bad...


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Joni Vispoel 12 years, 2 months ago
It's an allin situation, imo. You can't open-fold this one. You can pick up a lot of dead money pre. Your hand is to strong against to random hands in the blinds.
computerscreen 12 years, 2 months ago
The strategy of min raising will net you more in the long run. Folding would be fine and easy if we had a tighish bb and no sb comming along. With the small blind in there (likely dead money) its gonna push this into the call zone. I'm calling here, not thinking about the bubble. If ur on the actual bubble just shove. But ya this is one of those kinda scary spots where you just call cause the math is there with the sb dead money (even without its fine).I'd def keep an eye on the big stacks if I were you and keep a few reads if you can. Perhaps he built his stack being too loose.I'm sure you see now with my style how easy I can min/call here.
Cary Pall 12 years, 1 month ago
Pretty much agree w/ Comp. I'm min-calling off most of the time. Min-folding to nits in the bb. If the sb is a typical $2.50 fish, this is a perfect spot for the BB to squeeze light. It's the bubble, likely dead money from the sb, and he can put you in a tough spot given your stack size and the strength he's showing. I'd imagine he'll show up with Ax a lot, broadways that we're ahead of, 22-99 that were flipping with and sometimes 1010+/AJ+ (but at least we have blockers to some of those). I think if we shove this much on the button, then we're only getting called by hands that are ahead. He'll probably fold 22-55/66, but he'll also fold all the Ax and 10x hands we dominate.

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