22$ freez best line?
Posted by chester20o
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Mid Stakes
22$ freez best line?
Blinds: t3,600/t7,200 (6 Players)
CO: 188,970 (Hero)
BN: 218,386
SB: 167,896
BB: 72,358
UTG: 268,290
MP: 184,814
BN: 218,386
SB: 167,896
BB: 72,358
UTG: 268,290
MP: 184,814
Hero is CO with
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I thnk about best line here. V is TAGgish reg.
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given that he is a TAG reg, and looking at blind level and stack depths, I think his range for flatting pre is basically strong broadway hands and pairs like 88-TT. He could have QQ+ either and be trying to induce a shove from the short stack player on the BB. When he calls the c-bet it seems like a float w/ 2 overs and backdoor flushdraw (QJhh, KThh, KQhh, KJhh, AQhh, AJhh, AThh, AXc, x being any broadway but a king, KXc, QJc). Two overs and a flush draw (like AJcc, KQcc, AQcc, ATcc) he probably plays aggressiveIy OTF and raises you cuz he has so much equity and you probably missed this flop, but he could still have some combos of these and be pot controlling. I think he raises all the overpairs on this wet flop too. The turn is not the greatest card because hits some of his float combos like AT and KT and also all the Axhh picked up equity. But I still think you are far ahead of his range and can bet this turn for value, because you are gonna get called by all his flush draws. Checking gives him the opportunity to apply pressure and barrel turn and river if a scary card comes later. Check/raising is high variance but it is probably +EV since he has a lot more flush draw and air combos than Tx. So I thin betting is better. Assuming that he plays agressively with all his flush draw combos and considering that you block one of his outs you should bet/call in the case he raises you
Probably he has only T9s/TT/T7s (I don't expect the last two to be very often on his preflop range) as T is a safe value/protection bet.
i like c/r ott to give him chance to bluff, but what do you think about overshove turn?
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