$215 TCOOP Shootout 6-max - Flop play
Posted by Rapha Nogueira
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Rapha Nogueira
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High Stakes
$215 TCOOP Shootout 6-max - Flop play
Blinds: t30/t60 (6 Players)
BN: 4,846 (Hero)
SB: 5,140
BB: 4,820
UTG: 3,600
MP: 5,120
CO: 6,474
SB: 5,140
BB: 4,820
UTG: 3,600
MP: 5,120
CO: 6,474
Just the 6th hand of the tournament. Well, all the table seems very weak with weird sizings and plays and I don't recognise anyone.
Hero is BN with
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I will leave my impressions later. Thank you guys!
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Pretty gross spot but still dont like folding vs randoms who can overplay hands. Flatting sucks as well when the pot is already bloated and youre clueless what to do on any 7,T,J,Q,club turn, plus he just might continue to click buttons on any turn with all of his draws, low pp, 9x or w/e, so think i like your play.
Basically how I felt just having one minute in game. I don't mind calling... I probably have more experience than him and can get something from his bet sizing or timing OTT. Even tough if I am playing a strategy that fits well with the whole hand I don't think flatting is a viable option. My range plays very well on paired boards when his 8x frequency is quite low, I don't expect nothing more than 98s/87s/A8s%.
If I am playing against offsuit 9x combos from A9-T9 and QQ-TT/JTcc/QJcc/JTs%/87s/98s/A8s% I guess my best response is to jam. A good friend of mine said that he doesn't see this click back as 9x very often but I do, and this is the major assumption to jam this flop.
i have been meaning to compile a large sample of these and see how often the guy just has 8x. I never am really sure. I see this as a raise/fold, raise/call with TT-QQ, FDs, and A9, and a raise/call with 8x, AA, 99. The thing is, his 8x shud be suited if hes playing it (i wud assume even a fish in a 215 wud mostly have 8xs). i slightly prefer flatting though. Sprince said we clueless on turns, but thats not a reason to just jam. there are definitely spazzes here and let them continue to spaz. having them raise/fold 9x or 77,TT because they were 'raising for info' is terrible for you. i think they get it in much wider when you flat. they can easily put u on AK when you flat and just shove. i see that a lot, and here guys type it in chat a ton
flatting seems a bit better with Kc since I can improve. On a hand that I improve only on 5% of turns I don't see much the merits of flatting specially when I bet a sizing that is large as I made. I don't expect him to ever fold all combos of 9x maybe the weakest ones and TT I assume he is never folding to a jam. Calling seems fine if I made it a bit smaller, as if I wanted to bet some J9s/T9s on this spot.
i just dont see what shoving accomplishes that flatting doesn't. you have position
I think I like just calling his CIB more considering what his range might be.
3bet shoving flop you fold out his air, weak draws (QxJx, JxTx etc) and hes never folding 8x obviously. Calling you reduce variance, can still get it in on safe turn cards as an option, you also allow him to proceed with air or other low equity stuff or he might turn some pair with his JT, QJ thus youd be able to get value from those hands.
Just check what a poor equity he has with offsuit overcards (or one card of the same tone) on paired board vs your overpair.
My assumptions is that around 85%-90% of his cib range is playing for stacks when I bet this size and he raises. If he is doing it with a lot of offsuit 9x combos I am around 2-1 favourite. I don't want to lose action from those hands when his 8x distribution should be way lower than his 9x/worse overpairs/combo draws.
Seems I cant reply to your post, so Id reply to my own one. )
I actually missed your sizing which is I agree on a bigger side, but under your assumption he really should c/r/c lots of 9x which I found odd.
First of all, if he c/cib 9x (which generally is bad), he certainly could c/r/f it putting you on overpair (which you help him to do by shoving flop)
And secondly I`m not sure why you assume he would have merged (9x heavy) c/cibbing range otf. I mean he could c/r 8x for value on wet texture or c/r overcards as a semi-bluff but I think he could c/c 9x more frequently than c/r it or at least c/r it less frequently than he would c/r overcards. ;)
Yeah, this hypothesis is quite important and controversial. I have seen so many people do that (cib 9x) and not fold that I think I am better if the assumption is true, shoving. If the assumption is false, then it is very bad to shove KK there.
Wp ul
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