215$ NLO Final Table, close reshove spot
Posted by Andreas Fröhli
Posted by Andreas Fröhli posted in High Stakes
215$ NLO Final Table, close reshove spot
1. 6363$
2. 4588$
3. 3478$
4. 2590$
-When I played the hand 4 handed, "vovtroy", a huge winner at the game opened a few more hand while 2 of us were short. Because I wasn't that much ahead of Merlin, I was a bit worried that he could double up instead of busting at one point.
-AK26 seems is a hand that gets rarely scooped (I guess about 25%)
If I scoop, I would be almost even with Vovtroy so that I might have a shot on 2nd place later.
Do you think this play was -EV$?
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