20bb deep 55 UTG vs 3bet

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20bb deep 55 UTG vs 3bet

Blinds: t900/t1,800 (7 Players) SB: 51,417
BB: 18,463
UTG: 34,883 (Hero)
UTG+1: 29,030
MP: 56,720
CO: 86,725
BN: 41,005
Preflop (2,700) Hero is UTG with 5 5
Hero raises to 3,780, 2 folds, CO raises to 11,340, 3 folds, Hero folds
Final Pot CO wins 11,835

Hi all...shall we go 4-bet all-in with this with ca 19bb? Made a calculation and it could be slightly +EV (+2bb EV ca) versus 3betting range of villain like this: 99+, AQs+, A4s-A2s, Ad5d, Ah5h, AJo+, presuming he would fold 99,AJo and A2s-A5s (or whatever bluffs may he have there) and we would have ca 37% equity when he calls with given range.

I guess it's fold tho as players on micros will probably be tighter here with 3bet vs UTG.

What range can we 4bet shove here as default in this scenario ? I'm so bad in these spots with shortstack...

I think we need like 40% equity here if called to be good in this spot and by my calculation we should 4bet all in TT+ and AQ+ considering his range will be pretty tight here...right?

The best way may even be folding 55 pre with 20bb :-D


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GodNemes1s 6 years ago

Hi! I think you made a correct play there. Villain 3bet range vs your UTG open has to be quite tight, right? and if Hero 4bet shove here I really can't see villain folding enough after 3bet. my 4bet shove range would be like 99+, AJo+, KQs+, depends on enemy obv.

7-handed I can't find myself folding w/ 55 pre-flop.
with shorter stack its easy jam pre for sure.
Interesting spot, but as played it looks right to me. :3

Treysix 6 years ago

Yes, I think we don't have much fold equity here...maybe 25%-30% of his worst hands but I guess he will mostly 3bet linear range here versus this small stack with intention of calling possible reshove. I would go with that TT+ and AJo+ probably, I'm nit tho :-D

Goodfellahh 6 years ago

i think we mostly should be folding here imo, since i dont expect players 3betting out of line here at this stakes. As said earlier we dont have much FE and our hand is doing poorly when called, each is the most possible scenario in this spot

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