20€ 6max MTT - Would you have played it differently?

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20€ 6max MTT - Would you have played it differently?

Blinds: t15,000/t30,000 (5 Players) UTG: 1,260,453 (Hero)
CO: 886,393
BN: 966,894
SB: 1,631,034
BB: 1,744,630
We are 16 left of a 20€ 6max MTT (717 players at start). I'm 4th in chip.

Vilain is a fish, raising a lot from LP (he opens from 2BB to 3BB). He is defending a lot in this situation imo, any playable hand. He is running 37/22, 6.7% 3bet on 58 hands. Hero has a pretty standard image, a bit tricky (I doubled few hands later cold calling one of his open with AA)
Preflop (45,000) Hero is UTG with 9 J
Hero raises to 60,000, 3 folds, BB calls 30,000
Flop (156,500) 8 T 7
BB checks, Hero bets 68,850, BB raises to 215,950, Hero raises to 485,550, BB calls 269,600
Maybe just shoving against this guy was better OTF, because he is probably not folding DP+, but it was big and I wanted to keep hands like Tx or 89 in his range, and maybe inducing some light shoves. I don't know if he has a bluff raising range here. When he calls, I think his range is some TP, DP, maybe 77 (I think he is shoving 88/TT), maybe some combo draws like AJcc, AQcc, QJcc...
Turn (1,127,600) 8 T 7 8
BB checks, Hero bets 710,603 and is all in, BB calls 710,603
Not the best turn, 87, T8 and maybe 77 is probably a good part of his range for raise/calling the flop. That said I don't know if there is another option except to just shove (I can't really bet/fold) and hoping he hero us with AT, or 89 or his combo draws. I'm also not sure if his calling worst at this stage of the tournament, but as he is a fish I think he can.
Final Pot BB wins 2,548,806

Would you play it differently? Shoving OTF for exemple? Is there another option OTT except just shove?


ty ^^

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