2 Pair in Bovada SMPO $150 event

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2 Pair in Bovada SMPO $150 event

Sorry still can't get the Bovada HH converter to work.

Just moved to the table less than 2 orbits ago so no real reads on Villain. Only hands he played at the table while I was there were AA (AIP) and AQs (also AIP) in back-to-back hands against the same opponent

Bovada $150 GTD SMPO Special Event
Blinds 200/400/40 (8 handed)

Hero: 15,420
Villain: 10,376

Hero in BB, dealt Ks6s
Villain in MP1

UTG folds, UTG+1 folds, Villain raises to 800, MP2 folds, CO folds, BTN folds, SB folds, Hero calls...

Flop (2,120): 6c 2s 10s

Check, Check...

Turn (2,120): Kc

Check, Check...

River (2,120): 8d

Hero bets 1,250, Villain raises to 2,900, Hero re-raises to 5,750, Villain re-raises to 8,600, Hero re-raises to 11,450, Villain calls and is all-in...

Obviously river is ugly. Was planning to check/raise turn and was a little surprised he checked back.

Definitely a better way to play this hand, what do y'all think?


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q3timmy 8 years, 8 months ago

After how the action went, OTR Villain's raise is really strong, and the way the hand played, his value raising range is very heavily weighted towards sets. I would just call river, I don't see him raising river with a value hand that you beat.

Tom M 8 years, 8 months ago

The villain's hand should be so heavily weighted towards value hands because your two spades are blockers to his most frequent types of bluffs.

The river turns into pure silliness - we're basically turning our hand into a total bluff when we re-pop him because I really don't see what he would call with that we actually beat. I wouldn't expect him to open hands that would river worse 2 pair hands, namely T8 and 86.

So I guess all that being said, do people prefer a river check and let villain have any type of bluffing range?

Priski 8 years, 8 months ago

Agreed, river is bad. I appreciate the feedback.

I guess in hand I didn't think he had a set since he checked back twice with a flush draw on board (which I won't have very often). Is this line of thinking wrong? In general is check/check/raise like this usually strong?

Other than that, what do we think is the best option on the river? Any reason to lead the turn?

q3timmy 8 years, 8 months ago

Especially after he raises so small OTR, yes, this line is usually very strong. OTT is the best time to bet imo. You get value from all his Kx, FDs and low PPs. If you have no reads on villain, I think I would still call. If he is a weak player he might be overvaluing Kx, playing AA in a weird way or randomly throwing a bluff. I am not sure these are enough reasons to call, it seems a bit of a stretch of the imagination.

ralphykid67 8 years, 8 months ago

Agree that we need to bet the turn here. This is for value, protection, and information. We're getting called by worse a lot of the times and this is a draw heavy board now. If he calls we can narrow his range down and re-evaluate rivers. If he raises we have to proceed with caution.

Priski 8 years, 8 months ago

Ok, so lets say we lead out small on the turn maybe like 750ish and he raises small to 1650ish or even min-raises. Do we call turn and check/call river? check/fold river depending on bet size?

Spoiler: He had 66 of all hands.

q3timmy 8 years, 8 months ago

I would call his turn raise, since I would expect all his really strong value hands to always bet turn, so I would be a bit skeptical about the turn raise. He might also be raise KQ and AK. I would probably call river too for the same reason.

rickybobby1 8 years, 8 months ago

I like the turn check, the king hits his check back range and is a card he will delayed cbet often. On river I think just bet calling is the only way. When he raises and you reraise and he comes over the top I don't think people bluff like that and that he has 8s which make sense the way he played it.

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