1500 6 Max Day 2 Spot
Posted by Jeffrey Mulder
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Jeffrey Mulder
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High Stakes
1500 6 Max Day 2 Spot
Hi all, looking for some feedback on this hand. Day 2 of 1500 6 Max NL at WSOP. Hero is slightly below average chips with 75 or so remaining. Blinds are 2000/4000 500. Hero is around 125000 chips. UTG +1. Villains of note Button has 250000 tough Lag, playing many pots preflop. Very sticky on the river. Big blind has 300000 has gone on a huge heater. 2 outered 2 people to stay in. Similar to Button style wise, but has shown 2 semi bluffs which got there in huge pots for all his chips. Hero's image likely more TAG, no bluffs shown. I am an amateur, and make it well known I am, which often goes to my benefit.
Hero dealt KsJc UTG +1, Raises to 8500, button calls, Big blind calls. Pot 30500.
Flop Kc 7s 4s. Hero bets 21000. Bigger sizing I know, perhaps too big retrospectively. Button calls. Big blind raises to 55000.
Thanks in advance.
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On this table setup I don't see KJo as a profitable open. BB is raising against a pretty strong range and KJ is likely to be pretty close (or behind) to the equity we need to continue. I would happily fold, specially with one more player to talk.
Hum, you're such a nit Raphael :p. Can't really envision us passing this spot with a tough table, we'll get butchered waiting for better hands (I mean, it's not as if we were automatically doubling up when dealt kings right). I can see merit in open-limping OR opening bigger though.
OP: As played wow, flop sizing is huge. With your image, it's almost as if you're over-representing your hand. I'd much prefer a check or a small CB. Versus given opponents and effective stack sizes, I do believe you're willing to induce some action from the lags, as they probably won't resist trying to exploit you. Key is to make it look coherently weak with what you've shown before.
Brazilians play tight.
I thought it was 9 handed, sorry.
6max on LJ KJo is a standard open but should be close to the bottom of my opening range.
Fold preflop, snap fold flop.
Wait, this is a 6max table? If so, then we are burning folding KJo in mp with 30 bigs.
Flop as played very easy fold, we having a bluffcatcher against bb's squeezing range and btn could wake up with some sets/traps or even KQ some of the time, I'd also go smaller on flop around 14-16k
whats his value range?
Pretty clear his value range here is 77,44,K4,K7,74s I mean he can have many FDs and combo draws sure, but I won't expect him to check raise those with the same frequency he'll be squeezing the range above mentioned, so not having FE here and getting in vs that range doesn't seem ideal scenario
Kj is a slam dunk open from mp here in 6m
I'd check flop a decent amount esp vs aggros
Too much money and too many draws out there to be folding in this spot I think, especially vrs the type of players you described. I would definetly not be passing this spot up, but I can defiently see arguments for folding. Just think bb has more semi bluffing combos than pure value. Also depends on your image
K74r doesn't have too many draws.
ya many draws and he reps sets only? he likely doesnt even peel 44 so he has one 777 combo for value and the rest draws id prolly just rip it in w 30bb tbh
I really want to say that it's "hard to flop top pair", and tell you to rip it in here.
It's been said, but raise bigger pre, like 8800-9300. As played, usually going to check flop. When betting, I think 16k would be my max bet, and when I'm betting that, it's with the intention of shoving over a raise.
Given the image you have built, and knowing how you play from all the Saturday's you've destroyed me, I'm leaning towards a reshove. It's getting called, but that isn't too horrible. If he's calling with 44, 77, AK, K7+, 65, 65ss, A2ss+, Q9ss+, and a few more connected spades - we have 52% equity. That's enough for me to get it in here.
If he's only ever raise-calling the value range listed a few posts ago, we are in a bad spot. Your description of him doesn't make him seem like the kind of player who is only raise-calling pure value hands.
thanks for the feedback...you've destroyed me plenty :)
Yeah i`v missed it was 6m as well (he confused us w UTG +1), so preflop is fine ofc but gii otf is marginal at best.
Easy open pre, folding would be a sizable mistake.
Flop I'd opt to check/call, we don't need to protect against too much and getting raised sucks. Also, we probably can't go for 3 streets with this hand unimproved, so we don't lose a lot of value by checking on flop.
Thanks for the input all. I ripped it in. Button instafolds. BB tanks, and I mean tanks for 3 minutes. He really put me on KK. Grudgingly calls with 74o. Turn is As, river bricks. Sad. I do not play tons of 6 max, but was happy with my play. One of two deep runs I had this year at WSOP in 3 events entered. Busted this in 72nd, Event 22, was closer - 21st. I really thank RIO as I think it has helped by game tremendously.
Some people are really overdefending their blinds nowadays. Mostly because they saw some very good players do it so they believe they should do the same. Except that there is quite a difference between defending one's BB versus a BTN minraise (HU), and defending 3 way versus EP raiser and BTN flat call (even if it's a minraise and we get a better price overall!).
I mean, good luck making it a profitable peel here with 74o versus tight MP and tough BTN. GL GL
VERY different than defending 74o HU versus a bad BTN, for instance.
Therefore, since more and more players think they play good enough to defend any 2 from the blinds versus small raises in MTTs (wrongly so IMO), I believe it's getting good once again to raise 2.5x or even 3x+ in some situations (either to steal, or definitely for value!). I believe long ball poker gonna come back in style, as well as creative approaches such as limping and unorthodox bet sizings.
GL at the tables.
Well thought out, and I agree. I am going to try increasing my opening size a bit. TY for the input.
That's not necessarily true, because a) their defending range will be elastic to bet sizing (tighter vs bigger raise) and b) we can't steal as often when we open raise bigger. Also, if their defending range is weak, I don't really mind them defending ~100% because we should have a decent edge postflop.
As for defending HU vs defending MW: while these are surely two different scenarios, we are almost always getting a better price on a call when defending MW, and won't have to capture much of the pot postflop. Also, compared to other games (notably PLO), NLHE is a game where hand value (or nuttiness) does not change THAT much between HU and MW pots.
That said, I still think 74o is a bit too loose to defend, but it's probably not a huge mistake either when he only needed ~15% equity.
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