$11 turbo mtt, calling A7o vs EP 6bb shove on chip lead?

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$11 turbo mtt, calling A7o vs EP 6bb shove on chip lead?

UTG: 205044
UTG1: 189986
UTG2: 73624
LJ: 109121
HJ: 14857
CO: 59644
BN: 79465
SB: 411416
BB: 518621 (Hero)
Preflop (18000) (9 Players)
Hero was dealt A 7
UTG folds, UTG1 folds, UTG2 raises to 72124, and is all in, LJ folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, SB folds

100 left, avg stack ~175K, who calls here?

Unknown shove range.  



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NileRanger 10 years, 5 months ago

Seems like a clear call to me as well. Villain should be shoving very wide here and A7o has enough equity to make it a profitable call. Keep in mind in tournaments you should look for any chance to get an edge. Even if it would be a less than 1bb +EV call here, especially when last to act, with a big stack, you should always take the best EV line. Folding is 0 EV so definitely a call here. 

Using Holdem Resources calculator, villain should be shoving 20.1%, 33+ A2s+ A8o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s  if he plays perfectly. Then you should be calling: 20.7%, 22+ A2s+ A7o+ A5o K9s+ KJo+ QTs+ JTs. With A7o being +0.30bbEV

I think he is likely shoving wider than Nash as well so makes it even more a call.

If we give villain a shoving range of 30.6%, 22+ Ax+ K7s+ K9o+ Q8s+ QTo+ J9s+ T8s+ 98s 87s 

You should be calling: 30.0%, 22+ Ax+ K6s+ K9o+ Q9s+ QTo+ J9s+ T9s 98s 

With A7o being +0.87bb EV

nhilathak 10 years, 5 months ago

Vs unknown this is a clear fold for me. Not even marginal. A8 close fold, A9 close call, ATo clear call.

He needs a very high pfr for us to be profitable here.

I really doubt the average 11$ turbo player shoves 30% here as you guys are saying.

Chip EV he should shove 20.6%, 33+ A2s+ A8o+ K9s+ KJo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s and vs this we should call 16.6%, 33+ A4s+ A8o+ KTs+ KJo+. With ICM in mind I am sure A8o turns into a fold also.

NileRanger 10 years, 5 months ago

Hmm, interesting we get different chip EV results, what program and settings are you using?

When I use HR calc. push/fold Chip EV, with 6k/12k blinds (no ante) he should shove 22.5%, 22+ A2s+ A7o+ K9s+ KTo+ Q9s+ QJo J9s+ T9s 

And Hero should call 23.4%, 22+ A2s+ A4o+ K9s+ KTo+ QTs+ JTs  with A7o being +0.24bb

Does the hand history not include antes or are the blinds actually a bit lower than 6k/12k? Perhaps this would affect the ChipEV results as well..

How much of a factor is really ICM at this point as it's not very close to FT?

Unless villain is a tight player I'd imagine a lot of weaker or loose player at this level shows fairly wide here.. but I'm fairly inexperienced in tournament play so defo not sure..

nhilathak 10 years, 5 months ago

This is what my HRC shows with 6k/12k blinds , unrestricted nash and chip ev model using the basic hand analysis. A7o is -0.42bb.

Did you plug in all the players' stacks? The 1.2 bb CO player changes the dynamic a lot since you have far less fold equity when shoving since he is coming along v often forcing you to win at showdown.

JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 5 months ago

Assuming UTG+2 has 6bb he should be shoving 25.2% of his hands. (Using Jennifer) 

a7os vs that range has 44% equity.  Not sure what odds you are getting on a call though.   If you have the right odds should be a call. 

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