$11 Rebuy MTT. i think i put my self in an awkward river spot with trips at a mid SPR.
Posted by fizzr
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Low Stakes
$11 Rebuy MTT. i think i put my self in an awkward river spot with trips at a mid SPR.
Not loving the turn bet size. imo i should have bet smaller to leave my self more options on the river. Didn't think an over bet jam was getting paid by much worse. As played i think i like x/c river. what do you guys think? P.s it is like middle stages.
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I like how you played the hand. It depends on your information about the player if you fold river shove. But i like the sizing on the turn. And river tbh...
i can't remember much about the player. do you think the $11 pool is bluffing much in spots like these? i am not great at these lower SPR spots but thank you.
The question i have is , if in the players mind he has thin value bets. Like KK for example...
As far as for the pool of $11 MTT`s , its like 5% good regs, 25 % Decent players , 30% ABC players and 40 % Super bad players.
With absoloutly no read, at that stage of the tournament, i would call his shove.
Flop: In theory UTG should be pure betting range here vs the BB for a small sizing. When UTG checks and deviates from what it optimal it already allows you to narrow down their range. Something I see weaker players do here is that will mostly check their Jx, QQ/KK and infrequently a hand like AJ/JJ, Vs this range on the turn I like a more polar strategy as you don't want to be betting anything worse and an Ax for value vs the range we have assigned villain and so the proportion of your range that wants to value bet is very narrow and should be worth a large amount of the pot and therefore the larger sizing (could even got slightly larger than pot). As played I like the river bet and when you get shoved on we should just fold, they're not value jamming a hand like KK/QQ or Jx and so when they do shove their range is going to be narrowed to AJ/JJ and perhaps even a hand like AK.
so like %90-120 pot and jamming (or checking) river? i am probably checking some of those hands here so it's interesting from that perspective as well. 2nd time somebody has told me in a spot like this, where Villain has deviated and i should go really polar. hopefully i start picking up on it haha. i need to utilize my solver more.
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