$11 MTT - 25bbs 99 after limper
Posted by ralphykid67
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Low Stakes
$11 MTT - 25bbs 99 after limper
Blinds 150/300 25 ante
No reads on new player UTG. Limps with stack of 8800 (29bbs)
Hero in CO with stack 7700 and 9h9c???
I decided to raise to 910. Was thinking I want to iso this guy to play the pot heads up. Considered limping.
Villain flats- Pot ~2400
Flop 10c 2d 5d
Villain checks. Hero???
I decided to C-bet 1050. Just wanting to take it down right here. If he calls I'm basically giving up on most runouts.
Villain check raise to 2100, Hero folds.
Pretty easy fold there just looks like he has J10 - A10 and better. Saw no need to continue.
Thoughts on pre-flop vs UTG limper? And is there any merit in checking back this flop?
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I think a raise pre flop after the limp is fine, sizing seems fine IMO, for him to flat your raise he must all pairs up to 88 (anything over TT he prob would've raised), I don't think he is limping with AK, AQ etc. I think his XR is representing QT, JT, KT, and flush draws so a fold I think is fine.
As played I would've X back the flop in position and XC the turn, I think keeping variance down here is important. Be interesting to see what others think??
This exactly my though!
I second this! :)
Yep, I think the same way. Probably better to keep control of the pot with our 99 here and try to get to showdown cheaply.
Can you believe that this check- raise happened because he knows that flop more hit the range of who limped than who raised. It can get out you hands as AKo , AJo , AQo , KQo, 99, 88 .
This response hits something very important here. We have no reads so we don't really know what kind of player this guy is so there are lots of things to consider. The limp/call UTG usually means one of two things: he has a very strong hand and is slow playing, or he has something like middle-low SCs and wants to see a flop. Either way, I like the raise pre. But when the flop hits, if he limp/called a premium then betting here is bad, if he limp/called with a marginal hand then betting here is also bad as we're usually still ahead when he improves. But there are so many hands that we can have that just can't continue if he raises. That said, putting our opponent in a spot where he either hits the aggression or folds can't be awful but I would rather do it with a hand that doesn't have so much equity here.
I agree with ra_raal here. I think since we are readless but we do have position it's probably best to x/ the flop and x/c the turn since we have showdown value in this spot. He could just be x/r you because he knows he has a range advantage in this spot, I mean most of the time you miss this board with hands you're opening in the CO.
I imagine he might be limp/calling with a lot of small pocket pairs 22-66 ? I don't think AdTd would x/r in this spot probably a lot of flush draws. Depends what range you put him on tbh but I think your equity in this spot is pretty decent so it's probably a good fold however I would hate folding with only 1 over card.
i dont think someone who s limping utg and flats oop has an understanding of "range advantage", hes probaply clicking Buttons. without reads i would call his c/r and reevaluate. btw: what would u do if he limps/ jams preflop? do u fold 99 with 25bb eff?
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