109$ big 25 left. 30x 99 vs utg 25x minraise

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109$ big 25 left. 30x 99 vs utg 25x minraise

LJ: 4high20: 123627
HJ: Djordje_83: 260528
CO: joeyspanne88: 161562
BN: WaGe N Warz: 101973
SB: PKaiser: 270590
BB: shlomoxx: 64500
UTG: Justice182: 99502
UTG1: Bank of H.: 65641
UTG2: xPureLuck: 100990
Preflop (6000) (9 Players)
4high20 was dealt 9 9
Justice182 raises to 8000, Bank of H. folds, xPureLuck folds

villain is a 18/18/4 over 74 hands no other reads, my image should be quite solid.

I think the options are jam, 3b/call or flat, what would you do and why?

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