Opinions of the course.
Posted by CountDuckula
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From The Ground Up MTT
Opinions of the course.
Having recently completed my first pass through the course content I thought I would give a brief review for anyone considering buying it.
The course appears to be aimed at micro to low stakes players who know the fundamental concepts such as pot odds, equities, position etc and who are looking to build a solid default game and win rate in a structured manner. I thought Owen was a knowledgeable and engaging presenter, using a style that uses bullet points on slides which he then expands on, with the occasional range chart mixed in. The teaching style will most likely suit academic learners. However, Owen also often provides "homework" which will also suit independent and practical learners. Owen doesn't provide any hand charts with the course but instead teaches the student how to construct ranges for themselves, the teach a man to fish approach so to speak. The course is still relatively current and certainly relevant to its aims and intended audience as it builds up the game in a logical manner, as you can see from the course content list.
At various points Owen shares his sharkscope graph, which, although I haven't verified it as a piece of information, would (along with the fact that he coaches for a reputable training site) indicate he has the authority to speak and coach on the subject.
I thought that it was fairly comprehensive and excellent value for money. As long as you are willing to actually put in the off the table work that Owen recommends I would highly recommend to anyone within the intended audience who was looking to further their game in a structured manner.
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