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Im a guy from sweden in the midd 20s, like to click buttons in the zoom streets especially ;)

Short background
I started playing poker when i turned 18, i had no cash and started at the lowest stakes online.
Then i found out some nice pokerclubs in my city, wich became my 2nd home at most weekends, and i did run up an almost none existing bankroll to 25k€+ playing mostly live, due to insanely soft games, so that was a pretty nice first winter playing poker.

Since then i played semiproffesionally especially on the winter months, with most success comming from live games but i also have decent success online.

Anyway, last winter i decided to start play more seriously online, and se if i can move up in stakes. I started playing at 50NLz, did have decent success right away and could move up to 100z pretty quickly, where i was loosing in the beginning, then break even, and eventually became a winner.
Since the last 7 months 200z have been my maingame, with decent succcess, some up and downs obviously, and bigger swings as edges becomes smaller than im used to. I was breakeven ish at first, then become winning last months, expect one big downswing month -.-

Playingstyle: Im defently more of the exploitative player type, if i find leaks on players i dont pass on taking advantage of that. Otherwise just trying to have solid foundations, most of winrates comes from the fish.

Of table work: I think i tryed most things, solvers such as Pio and Snowie. Reading pokerforums, watching RIO videos, talking strategy with other players, etc etc.

What to expect here?

Weekly updates, handhistories, strategy, and general talk.

Why do this?

The number one reason is because i find it hard to find motivation, and i think this will help me so i can set up clear goals, and also put a little bit more pressure on myself😊

Long term Goal: 40.000$ profit, starting now till 1st December.

Stakes: Maingame NL200z, will also be some 100z and probably some 500z too. If it dosent work out well for some reasons, ill try tind out why and find alternative ways to reach the main goal. Always good to be prepared for obstacles.^^



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FlaXmarZ 7 years ago

Goals for march

Volume : 35-50K hands 100z
Winrate goal : 5bb ev+
Go to the gym 5-6 times per week
Work on my routines
I usually play very higher volume at zoom, but i wanna focus more on my game - So quality over quantity right now, and hopefully achive better WR that way.. And anyway rake is not a thing at pokerstars anymore so its very important to have decent winrate..

FlaXmarZ 7 years ago

Played 5k hands so this month at 100z, focusing on quality rather than quantity.
Funny hand today, for me atleast ^^ sunrunning lol

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