Zenekas lazy guide to enlightenment
Posted by Zeneka
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Poker Journals
Zenekas lazy guide to enlightenment
So I am starting a new journal since I feel like I am at the beginning of a new chapter in my poker career and life.
I am doing a fun project with Chris Pimmer who have been absolutely amazing towards me since we started writing back and forth. He has helped me see myself from a different perspective and my entire life is turning upside down (in a very good way).
In the last few days I have realized that I was trying so hard to become better, smarter, faster, bigger, stronger, happier and kinder that I completely had forgotten that I already were all those things and much more. The thing is, you can not become anything else than yourself and my friend, both you and I already are super duper experts at that. We had 10 000 hours of experience being ourselves at aproximately 14 months of age. The only thing we need to realize is that we Want to be yourself. Thats it.
Well, maybe not.
Since I have had a great deal of practice being someone other than myself (ie. resisting to be myself) I need to let go of what is not me.
So again, I welcome you all to my new Journal. Here you can follow my journey towards non resistance and I will be charing as much as possible from my sessions with RIOs own Yoda, Chris Pimmer and of course everything that I go trough at the tables and some of what is going on off the tables.
And there will be a lot of talk about Love.
/ Z
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Wonderful !!
Thanks a lot for the praise. Our project is very exciting to me, seeing the development and progress. But also this constant high of yours since that one moment... Thanks for letting me be a part of it.
You are awesome as you are :)
Thank you Chris. I have spent the weekend with my family and are now back to work. The high comes and goes, I just try to enjoy whatever happens. I found that (obviously) being attached to the high and wanting to get there, held me down. (un)learning so much right now :)
Good to see that you are learning more about yourself. Being in tune with yourself is very important for your well being and will also allow to improve your poker career to the extend you want and feel comfortable with. Think I am making a similar change in my life now that I completely stopped working and not being pressed into what my boss wants me to be I am as cheerfull as I was 30 years ago when I started working.
Thanks for your comment! Glad to hear you are on the right track also! :)
One of the things I spent the first 35+ years of my life doing is being unhappy because I hadn't "become" who I was going to be yet. By 37 now, I realize that I've always been there and that it's time to start living in the moment, embrace who I really am, and work with the set of tools I've been given. Huge, huge life and poker upswing since.
I like how you write ...
Lovely to read m8! Thanks for sharing, it is so obvious once you see it, right? Who knew that Not trying would be the answer haha :)
Ok so many things are happening right now. I am learning how to build a memory palace (Chris vid Here watch it if you have not), I approach life in a whole different manner, people are smiling at me and are happy around me and I can feel a big different in the vibe I am giving out.
I am also learning the Point and Call technique that Chris taught be briefly the other day while we made a video together (Chris Pimmer do you have a link to the video where you talk about it more in depth?)
Overall just realizing that love is actually something you can practise is so huge, well maybe I am not practising it so much as I am telling myself that I want to feel it more, and then my body just reacts to my intention, I dunno.
So me and Chris are working on a couple of videos that will be released here and I find that it is very good practise to work on letting go of fears to make videos for others. And also it is so much fun and I am learning a ton every day.
I am so happy for you. I notice it every time we chat, that vibe.
For the point and call technique, the video is not out yet, but in a recent video I mentioned something very similar, almost the same.
The Announcer
Another video, where I show an example of memory palaces is my first ever video
Writing your own book
I am excited to do the memory palace exercise with you and build one.
A theme we talked about a lot.... Simple but maybe not easy :)
Things don't always have to be difficult or complicated...
Thanks for the reply. Going trough those videos and starting to learn to make my own palace.
Simple but not necessarily easy is a very good concept that Ive been thinking about for many years. It ties in to what we talk about when we say that we should look for things that are obvious. So for example, Ive been playing while being tired. Such a simple solution to that, right; rest more. So simple, and so obvious, and in fact it is also quite easy. It is not that hard to lie down for a while.
So just going trough all this, sort of waking up to the fact that I have not been able to listen to myself and seeing the obvious, simple answers I already walk around with inside me have been overwhelming.
Looking forward to continue this journey.
Today I have been at my IRL-work and spent the whole day in a meeting wich resulted in giving me a permanent job for around 5 shift a month (a 24h). This will give me the freedom to save most of my poker BR and also give me a couple of hours of study every day I work. I think this will be a total game-changer for my entire life since I have spent the past 3 years living on the bare essentials basicaly.
The job also will give me time to rest and sleep well most of the time hopefully and I am very happy about it, could not come at a better time. Will start from June.
So 3 years ago I was in a very bad place in life and somehow I have managed to make decent decisions to dig myself out of it. Took a soulcrushing job just to make rent and support my kids for 1.5 years and then slowly changed my life to where I am now.
The biggest thing I have taken from this is easily related to poker, take the right decisions early in the hand and the rest of the hand will be much much easier to play. I took so many bad decisions with relationships, finances and friends that "on the river" I could only make bad plays and lose almost everything I had.
It takes so much time correcting those huge mistakes.
From now on I will nourish my inner voice and trusting my reads from the get go.
Thank you life for teaching me so many cool things.
/ Z
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