Yet another thread with a question: is it worth it?

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Yet another thread with a question: is it worth it?


I know there have been millions of threads like this before and a lot of players said that it's not worth it to go poker pro for a living. But here's the thing: I've been casually playing NL2-NL5 on PS for like 1-2 years and I really enjoyed it. I love poker. And I want to take it seriously. You ask why? Because I'm 2 years in my college (studying software engineering and not liking it at all) and I still have absolutely no clue what I am going to do after I graduate. I've been searching for my passion for a few years now and I can't find one. I am the type of person who would hate to go to a job that he doesn't like. Especially 9-5. My parents for example are different - they go to their jobs, even tho they don't like it, but they are okay with it. I'm not that type of guy.

So after all these years of looking I learned that I love sports, poker or writing music. Those are the things that I love. And I know that to make enough money for a living in these 3 fields is damn hard. But I don't know what else can I do? The thought that I can't find my "real passion" for so long is depressing me. So I thought maybe I should try and go with a poker? I mean I know that the limits I've been playing are ridicilous and I probably have no idea what it means to study a lot and put in huge volume (even tho I've read about it what it takes to be a poker pro on the net a lot), but do I really have other choice? Any advice and opinions are appreciated! Thanks.

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