y u meditate?

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y u meditate?

y u haz some vids that learnt u meditate? ima lookin some utube shit :
his vidz

so all it iz bout is trying to be more in a present moment? reach more stable state of mind like less of rollercoaster?


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whysoseriuuz 8 years, 8 months ago

yeah present moment, it makes you focus better, control your mind & emotions better, which is really helpful for this game especialy for life. Type Echkart Tolle on youtube and watch some of his live talks, hes amazing

StreetSpirit 8 years, 8 months ago

y u so curiouzz? y u no meditate already?

y u haz some vids that learnt u meditate?


so all it iz bout is trying to be more in a present moment? reach more stable state of mind like less of rollercoaster?

Pretty much yes.

A lot of recources may come as new-agey in the beginning... but I'd suggest to keep an open mind and google/youtube for different types of stuff and then just stick to whatever fits you the best. There's no wrong way to meditate, IMO.

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