WSOP Hangout Thread
Posted by midori
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Run It Once Training
WSOP Hangout Thread
I'm not sure if a separate thread needs to be started on this, but let me give it a shot. (Mods: please delete or move this thread if necessary)
To RIO members who will be in Rio (yes pun intended) for the WSOP and hang out in the Lounge once it's launched off, how about trying to organise something cool? Based on my last year's experience, the "traffic" in the lounge was kinda on and off and some people (including myself) just walked in, grabbed a drink/T-shirt and quietly left soon. I'm sure the RIO staff members and Phil are working hard on organising something already, but my guess is that most of our RIO pros will be busy grinding live poker, and we might as well chime in and make it a great experience for all of us. It must have been a lot of $$ and effort for them to do this, so let's make sure we can all enjoy it and get the most out of it (in the most positive sense)!
As a starter, please reply ITT if you're already in Vegas/Rio and let's see if we can make something happen! It's probably gonna be better for scheduling the QnA/hangout sessions as well, although this will depend on our pro's schedule. FYI, I'll be staying at Harrah's from tomorrow night, but will spend most of my time at Rio. :)
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