Workout during online play/study ?
Posted by pokerinlondon
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Gen. Poker
Workout during online play/study ?
Since I have started playing online and studying, obviously I am spending a lot more time sitting than usual, I feel sluggish after some time. Are there any particular exercises you guys find useful while playing to keep active ? For example, some kind of a 2-3 mins workout after every 45 mins or something ?
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Yeah I do wall angels frequently or my posture goes to shit. I also do this video:
Amazing for your back if you have to sit a lot.
I make a point to do about an hour a day or hard exercise. Lifting weights, indoor climbing, yoga/pilates, kettlebells, etc. If you are living a largely sedentary lifestyle which a lot if not most of us in the poker community are a good workout regimen is a necessary counterbalance imo.
I'm also interested in this. Workout at some hour is good, but what about specific stretches to do for 5 minutes at a time. I feel that Jason Koon has probably studied this to a science. Calling Jason Koon or anyone else to post links for youtube videos or any other sources!
just learn some yoga and do some yoga stuff. I recommend sean vigue fitness if you don't know yoga stuff yet as it's cheap and effective.
I have a treadmill desk that I built by mounting a shelf at just the right height for my treadmill. I love it! I've had a treadmill desk for about 5 years now.
Lots of great advice in this book for us people who spend a lot of time sitting around.
Also this one:
My review on Goodreads:
I can't explain all the ways that I love this book. It's well written, for one. The author is funny and entertaining. It also has some interesting weird science and an author clearly passionate about people of all sorts becoming more active. In fact, he seems to have his hand stirring the pot in every major technological motion gadget (fitness sensors worn on the body, treadmill desks, etcetera). I found this book vindicating because I've been asked all my life "how do you stay so skinny?" and always guessed that it's because I'm bad at sitting still and am always buzzing around like a hummingbird. It would seem that some evidence supports that idea. I will recommend this book to people in my life who are not gym rats who still want to see a major difference in how they look and feel through non-exercise activities.
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