Why rake is so high?
Posted by PrankCallRiver
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Gen. Poker
Why rake is so high?
Could someone explain why rake is so high at online poker? I understand why it's so high at casinos, as they can't just open 1000 tables in the casino to run. But why it's so high online, when site can let run countless numbers of tables? Do they have to pay some kind of fee's per table or something like that? Otherwise it seems illogical to take so much rake as $/hour is the most important factor, 0.5Rake x 2players= 1rake x 1player= same $/hour, right? Many more player would be encouraged to keep/start playing when they could actually make some money playing (or lose less), because atm to win money online is extremely hard for an average person who has couple of hours per day of free time to spend on his hobby. For ex. to play 2 regular tables, 2h/per day a month at 50NL 'costs' around 450$. Why would someone choose to spend their free time on poker over netflix who costs 10$/month? I guess there's way more circumstances that I'm not aware of, so I would be happy if someone could enlighten me. Btw, this is not a “I’m losing, it’s unfair” type of rant, I’m honestly curious about technical details why it’s so outrageously high
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