Why cant I use the arrow keys in my post?
Posted by m3taphysics
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Run It Once Training
Why cant I use the arrow keys in my post?
Random one, but when I am typing a post. I cant use the arrows to move back and forward (up and down is fine)? Is there some JavaScript magic going on? Does anybody else have this problem?
I am using Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m
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I use Firefox and I have this problem for long time - and it drives me mad!! :D
Good, im not going insane then :P
Works in Safari 7.0.1
I know that doesn't help you - just an FYI for the RIO guys that it is not a problem across all browsers.
Yep, same problem using Chrome.
The problem seems to come and go. With Chrome, going back to default settings is a fix (deleting the config folder). But the last time I had the problem (a few days a go), things started working again after a while without me doing anything.
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