why can I drive perfectly in rage but not play

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why can I drive perfectly in rage but not play

I have heard when one gets angry they are literally blood flow or brain is literally not able to access the areas of cognition for playing poker.
I f I get in a blinding rage driving, nothing changes. I don't speed I don't anything, drive perfect, maybe screaming legit upset but drive perfect.
I have been listening to things about conscious and unconscious competence. I believe driving is just regulated to the unconscious .
I wonder how I could do that in poker. Maybe by just speed decisions? I am known as a "deep thinking" poker player. I don't tank every hand and then fold, its a legit tank and then raise fold or call.
Maybe I should ....how can I get the parts of the brain that regulate driving in any condition to , how can I play poker and not even remember the session. Like oh I got home but don't even remember the drive(but drove fine)
I remember hands I played 10 years ago, everything the ones I won and lost small pots big pots, I have a pretty good memory.
The best person I know at poker doesn't remember his hands, mostly except big pots or strange hands he can play 36 hours straight regularly.
I am on a 5 hour session.
How can I regulate even just my B game to the unconscious.
and now the stupid part: has anyone tried putting a patch on one of their eyes while playing 1000 hands and then the other ? just curious
Also curious about mirror neurons and live poker but this is getting to long.


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Samu Patronen 5 years, 6 months ago

I f I get in a blinding rage driving, nothing changes. I don't speed I don't anything, drive perfect, maybe screaming legit upset but drive perfect.

This is probably not quite true, I'm pretty sure that the average driving performance decreases more or less the more emotional you get, atleast in the form of being more likely to drive fast etc.

how can I get the parts of the brain that regulate driving in any condition to , how can I play poker and not even remember the session. Like oh I got home but don't even remember the drive(but drove fine)

Poker is more cognitively demanding and therefore requires your highest brain capacities to function. If you're playing in a way that is purely automatic, you're putting in too little effort in my mind. So I don't think you can compare playing poker and driving a car in this regard.

How can I regulate even just my B game to the unconscious.

This question is more reasonable. The answer is practice, I don't think there's much else to it. The more you practice something the more automatic it gets. But that doesn't mean that the goal is to become a robot that does every single decision automatically, because that just means that you've stopped learning. And the learning should never stop when you're talking about a game as complicated as poker. There's always more to learn.

So don't play poker when you're "raging", your ability to learn and play your best is not at your disposal in that state.

Don't drive a car either for that matter.

6000 bb 5 years, 6 months ago

lol..Samu Patronen "dont drive either" thats funny. I drive like an old lady.
I hear you. But there is something to it. Like in the book think fast think slow. I want to play from the subconscious. I play live and most (not all) but most decisions are abc. almost everyone is underolled risk aversion is high and except for a few shooting stars everything is under bluffed
a quick example, I am playing 1/2 live, I have KK, someone utg opens to 40 (my first thought is fold out of turn and go to the bathroomNOW). Which is unheard of 1 2 40. thats 20x. I think about it and say Im going to flat and if no ace on flop push. flop jxx rainbow he bets 100 I push and say nice hand before I see his AA. What was the point of that? Pre flop I have nothing invested 0. The guy is practically 95% has AA, ...........I can abc the game in a good mood for hours with no problems why not just toss the KK pre? its not just that one hand, its the all the hands I am going to play after are now tilted. Its such a simple decioun pre 0 move on and forget. It would be different if I opened and he 3 bet, or if it was 2/5 with 2 people that had history 3betting and then me to act .
not just that, there is something about not thinking and speed playing....I can do it online because I dont care about the 10 because Im trying something out, the speed play thing no think. It works. I think practice is right. I wish live poker was faster.
Im not bragging but i can speed play snoiwe 8 5 6 oppnents and beat it everymorning over 600 hands. I dont even know what is really going on in the hand I just know if I raise this flop 2/3 hes gone mostly. and all his other bet or check meanings. I can do it with snoiwe because I play it everyday. and also a big factor is it sees strights and u can call then bomb turn completion with one of the stright cards if u flatted pre and it sees it and drops. (value in bluffing) at live not so much. So ....that style is not going to work. quite the incoherant ramble going. yeah your right you cant speed think because all snowie is the same, all driving is the same, but each person is an individual that requires time and profiling.

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