What is the bottom 50% of NLH starting hands?
Posted by PenguinKnight
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What is the bottom 50% of NLH starting hands?
I made a hand range for the bottom 50% of starting hands, just for kicks. What do you think? Do you agree? Are off-suit, unconnected Kx combos better than low suited 1 gappers? I'm at work right now so I don't have access to a solver and will probably be over this topic by the time I get home, but thought this might be a fun conversation.
DISCLAIMER: This is technically a 50.1% range.
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This is what my EQ calculator is saying to be the bottom 50
But If I manually select I would pick these as bottom 50
Thanks man! Is there anything that you think the solver doesn't account for that influenced you to make these changes?
Yeah this is just a equity calculator not so much a solver. Just looks at raw equity but not play-ability. So for example 54s is not in the top 50% but its very playable. So I would favor the more suited and connected over the highcard suited hands like J5s. As well as offsuit and connected over the hand like J7o and Q7o
I just look at the perspective what if I'd have to choose to play 50% of hands to open with. Interesting thought experiment and I'm probably making some mistakes, other users will chime in.
this one looks solid if throw away offsuit SC, and 86o,A2o . Suited 63/74 and go J7-J4s instead and will get close to GTO RFI from SB. As I recall it was opening under 50%
I'd rather play any suited hand than 54o tbh.
Sorry Jeff, but I think your explanation might too advanced for my understanding. Would you mind clarifying what you mean by (SC)? I'm thinking suited connectors, but not sure.
Something I find interesting about these ranges is that I am finding some hands that do have play-ability no matter how you slice it. Hands like J7s and Q8o in Bingo's range I think are justifiable opens from the BU. In the range the equity calculator suggested, I think hands like 87o, 54s and even 43s could be BU opens. It's splitting hairs, but I've never heard of an opening range that plays over 50% of hands. Any thoughts on the conditions that would allow such a large range to be played?
Suited connectors yep!
You can play 50% from BU/SB at micro,low,mid, highstakes and nosebleeds. It depends on SB and BB player. If they underdefend, I don't see reason to play tight.
In zoom tables however it might be not the best, when you prefer to not play 0 EV hands and move on to another hand as fast as possible
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