What are the Zoom's advantages ?
Posted by Th3Kris
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Gen. Poker
What are the Zoom's advantages ?
Hi guys, My name is Christian and Im an italian poker player then sorry for my Bad English.
In My country are only poker on .it site or .retards site
traffic is low and i think to try zoom poker?
Which benefits and penalty give zoom poker?
- 4x table incrises focus
- good n° of hands x table
- never crash table, u play ever 6 handed, not 4 handed or 3handed
- Continuous recycling of fish at the table, because they like fast action.
- No game flow
- If a player tilt or is under pressure at the end of hand he change table
who play and zoom can halp me with good comments? thx to all
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You nailed it.
? i don't understand what you mean...more details plz
You got all the pros and cons of Zoom right.
You also gain more VPPs per hour if that's something you care about.
There's still gameflow in Zoom
obvious that exist gameflow in zoom poker, but compared to a 6 handed game is very very limited, obv imho :)
to me, zoom is quite dangerous because of so few information about players and the table... I mean, there is not table at all... I dont know, i tried it and it scared me because you could have high frequency on a day of win and loss as well... When you are playing one zoom table it is like playing 5 6 cash tables at the same time , due to the speed...
I can quite easily play 4 tables of Zoom, but my head starts spinning when I play 10+ regulars tables, which would be necessary to put in a decent volume. And I play on my laptop, which has a 15.4 inch screen, so I can tile only 4 tables. So to me, Zoom is an obvious choice.
The key for me is less eye movement leading to less fatigue and more hands per hour.
I also enjoy making table selection decisions every hand. Really adds an element to the game and another area where you can gain an edge.
Nobody plays regular tables in "tile" mode?
another benefit is that you don´t have waiting list for good tables .
I play really short sessions most of the time so taking the time to waitlist/table select isn't really practical. With zoom it takes seconds to go from not playing to playing 1k hands/hour.
edit: and +1 to the only 4 tables so much easier than same hands/hour with more tables. So little mouse/eye movement required.
In zoom you can lose 5-10 stacks in a session leading to more tilt if you are not used to the pace.
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