Using Pio Solver for Anonymous games

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Using Pio Solver for Anonymous games

First post here on RIO.

I recently bought PIO and have some questions regarding setting ranges when you play in an anonymous environment (ignition). I don't play Zone so im not able to data mine for population stats.

Ill use an example.

Im looking at SB v BB 3bet pots. Trying to get a feel for what the average BTN's flatting range looks like in this spot, I went to my database (about 250k hands) and looked at my SB 3 bet success % and found it was 41%. Assuming that average BTN RFI is 40%, this would mean the pop is continuing vs my SB 3bet with 27% of all hands. This seems pretty high to me, and is a lot wider than the range I picked out for BTN when I ran my first sims. First of all wanted to clarify that I am doing the math right, and if so would my results be more applicable to the games I play in if I re run my sims giving BTN a 27% range?

I often have trouble coming up with flatting ranges as well. rough example: if I think some people are 3 betting linear in a specific spot and others are 3 betting polar, should I just put most hands at partial frequency? since some V's have hand "x" in their range 100% and hand "y" 0%, and for other V's it is the opposite.

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