UK room/place/roommate/grindhouse wanted
Posted by DMSJ
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Gen. Poker
UK room/place/roommate/grindhouse wanted
I am moving to UK for the 0% poker tax residency and am looking for a room/place/roommate/grindhouse to fill up on hustling spirit, social growth, potentially reduced costs and/or even to just casually banter about dating. Flying no later than May 1st to both fit into this financial year and have some time left.
I mostly play 2/5-10/20 PLO on Stars and work with my business on the side. I'm 28 (male), have no bad habits, work out (ideally will be looking for an MMA/BJJ gym close by), always clean up after myself and generally believe to not be at all obnoxious.
Let me know if you'd like to join up from the same situation (paying loads of 'inefficient' taxes) or already have something and want someone rant about dating with.
If you're already paying at least a few k a month in income taxes, you too should consider it.
Can contact me here, but the fastest way will be TetraMeSS#5514 on Discord.
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