Trying to post an 888 hand
Posted by Landslide
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Run It Once Training
Trying to post an 888 hand
I can't seem to post an 888 Poker hand, it is rejected with "Invalid hand". Is the 888 format not supported, or would that be a bug?
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We don't support 888 format at this time. If you send us the raw HH at we can take a took and see if there is a way for us to get it posted.
Hi Mikey,
I've already mailed the hand to that mail address. Do you need more than one, or is that hand enough?
Same problem here. It says in the forums that PacificPoker HHs are supported (Pacific and 888 are the same)
Any ideas what I should do?
You could post to a separate site like weak/tight or boom (not sure what sites they support but there must be one) and link it back to your post.
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