Travel Tips for Austrailia

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Travel Tips for Austrailia


Myself and my gf have got our 12 month tourist working visa for Oz, and we've booked our flights for 28th Aug 2013. We're spending 3 nights in Dubai and then onto Oz, where we plan to stay for anything from 9-12 months. 

- We're planning on working 4 days a week, and having 3 days a week to get out and explore everything Oz has to offer.

- I'm planning on grinding online and possibly live if there are decent games (any casinos in particular worth checking out?) and I need a break from the laptop.

- From our early research it looks like sites such as Air BnB are really favourable in terms of finding quality affordable and flexible accomodation with the added benefit of meeting locals from day 1. It's actually alot cheaper to do this, than stay in some cramped, low security dorms with minimal privacy etc.

- We'd like to spend 1-2 months in each of the major places (Brisbane, Cairnes, Sydney, Melbourne & Perth etc). and getting out and about on our 3 days off.

With the above in mind, it would be great to get some tips from fellow RIO users who have travelled or live in Oz.  EG Where are good spots for free wifi?  We may end up being in a campervan for up to a week, when taking a week off to travel and stop of between major cities etc.  Is it worth getting a mobile internet dongle? If so, which ones?

Any other travel tips you feel are useful I'd love to know, also including ideal temporary work options for my gf (she's a teacher back here in the UK).

Matt, UK


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vanity02 11 years, 9 months ago

Hey bud, 

I did the same thing, but unlike your plans I stayed in one location. Your definitely going to need a car, if you go to backpacker pitstops they normally have a billboard where people post stuff for sale. You can get alot of things from used camping gear from other backpackers, to cars that people are trying to unload before they head back home. Prices are fair, but obviously pay attention to the price/quality. I purchased a wagon for around 2k aud used it for a year and unloaded it for 1800 which was pretty awesome. As for work, if you plan on being mobile while your there most likely you'll be doing alot of farmwork. The hours are shit, the pay is decent. I did it for a month just to do it lol, expect to wake up 4am pick fruit and veges tilll around 2 and you get paid by how many crates you fill. I'm a chef so once i landed a serious job I pretty much stayed there and took a week off every blue to go traveling, my employer was cool and understood since I was a backpacker. As for casino's there is one in almost every major city, and there are generally around 4 tables running at the minimum all the time when I was there. As for internet you'll probably need an internet dongle and I would recommend you trying to get a subscription via a friend or something. The pay as you go form will definitely be expensive if your using it for streaming anything. Maybe preload a hard drive with as many movies as you can. If your in Brisbane, make a trip to the Gold Coast its about an hour away and pretty much surrounded by beaches on both sides literally stretches around the city.

Anyways send me a pm if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer. All the info I provided was from when I was there about 5 years ago, back then having internet on your phone was nonexistent so things may have changed.


BuyOrSell 11 years, 9 months ago

Hi Matt,

I live in Australia (Sydney). Probably worth checking out for accommodation as well. Main casino is Crown in Melb, the Star has opened up in Sydney (in Pyrmont) as well. Not sure about other cities, but as far as I'm aware these are the big 2 casinos. Happy to answer any questions. If your going to get an internet dongle, I'd go for a Telstra one or an Optus one. Telstra generally has the best coverage in Australia, though is often a little more expensive. 

Have fun. 

vanity02 11 years, 9 months ago

does Oz still charge internet by bandwith? or do they have alot more unlimited accounts?

Oh and be sure you pay attention to coverage, alot of dead zones if your planning to be out in the boonies.

IJustCameForTheFreeCookies 11 years, 7 months ago

Hey Matt,

Vanity02 is spot on, expensive food, poor coverage with internet and still on stupid bandwidth and being expensive as. Also most backpackers work rurally, doing vege/fruit picking as mentioned. For accommodation airbnb is great, but also check out for other cheap rooms and some places offer couchsurfing and even free/heavily discounted rates for backpackers.

Playing live poker Melbourne would be the best known, since being the Host of the Aussie Millions and most likely offers the most variety.

The rumours have it Sydney has the best high stakes (by Aussie standards) cash games going at the moment; 5/10$ + with an extremely weak field. While Adelaide and The Gold Coast are known for their very weak 2/5$ games.

I live in Perth, our Casino 'The Crown' has pretty poor live games these days... running from 12pm -2/3am. With an average of 2-3 tables going (can peak around tournaments and weekend nights). The downside is it is a $500 max buyin, but a $50 min. So the average punter has $50-$200 infront of them.

The good news is, they are horrific there. Standard open ranges from 5-10x depending on the night, people limp calling this. Oh if they flop top pair, they ain't going no where (who cares if it is a 8 kicker) and the regs are super exploitable to.

McDonalds is always a safe free wifi zone... also can hang out in the Uni libraries and leach their wifi? ^_^. I'm sure google will help you more on this subject.

TheSnapper 11 years, 7 months ago

Star casino in Sydney is one of the healthiest cash games outside of vegas, games run all day every day and are super soft.

Travel wise, my not to miss on east coast would be..

Whitsunday islands

Byron bay

Fraser island ( rent a 4x4 for at least 1 day its a fun way to see this wonderful place)


John Shamwoww 11 years, 7 months ago

Any coastline will be a treat to visit. Perth is probably the most relaxed part of the country, whereas Sydney has the most to see and do.

Melbourne is f*cking cold.

Brisbane is beautiful and heard good things about their casinos up there.

In terms of expenses, Sydney is by far the worst but everywhere is expensive. 

Poker wise, on experience Sydney and Melbourne are both amazing. Live $2/$4 in Melbourne is soft as hell because its the cheapest non-turbo format of CG's they have. Sydney runs 24/7 with good value games. Sure a few very good players but so many rich men who fill the games from $1/$2 up to $5/$10 and the rare times $5/$10/$20 and $25/$25 NL run. 

PLO wise there's value everywhere. From bottom to top you'll find good games. 

I would recommend the Hunter Valley north of Sydney as a brilliant place to visit. So many pubs, restaurants and they are a brewery capital - amazing wines and beers. Just a great spot for couples. 

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