Tough math/theory question about card removal

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Tough math/theory question about card removal

Hey guys,

I was curious how much your opening range from the SB should differ in a 9-handed game compared to shorthanded games. Basically, considering that when this situation occurs in a 9-handed PLO game, over half the deck is already folded away and the mucked cards will be very strongly weighted towards low cards.

In other words, when you open the SB here in a 9-handed PLO game, I suspect the chance that the BB has a top 15% hand is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than 15%... so that implies our SB opening range in a 9-handed game should differ than our SB opening range in a 3-handed game, however I've never seen any literature on this topic before.



If the above question is too complicated to solve which I suspect it may be, here's a simplified version which might serve as a decent estimate:

No one will ever fold any hand with at least two Aces, and everyone will fold a hand with one Ace X% (let's say X=75%?) of the time. If it folds to you in the SB and you have no Aces in a 9-handed PLO game, what are the chances BB has at least two Aces?

I really wish I could solve this myself but I suck at math. Thanks!

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