too many Elite pro MTT's Videos
Posted by Nadav Bar Orian
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Nadav Bar Orian
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Gen. Poker
too many Elite pro MTT's Videos
Hey, I fucking love this site and as an elite pro subscriber and mainly a PLO player I find that there are more than 50% elite pro MTT videos..
Isn't it a bit too much since most of the players here don't play that much MTT's?
Thanks alot!
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+1 except i would like more NLH cash :)
More MTT vids please ;)
NLH+ PLO whatever but MTT???? push or fold sums it up THANKS! :)
Please play more MTT's.
Every winning MTT'er.
yeah bro
MTTers please play more cash games (especially after bubbling)
Me :)
Let's make a facebook group.. no more MTT videos, we've had ENOUGH!!
Not only are there too many elite MTT videos, but the quality of the elite MTT videos is much poorer on average than the cash game video content. I have watched at least one MTT video from each of the elite pros, and the vast majority offered nothing but a narration of events and very flimsy, intuition/feel-based analysis (which is fine for an individual if it works, but cannot be considered an appropriate basis for teaching expertise if the instructor cannot break and communicate the reasons underpinning the intuition, or at least offer basic quantitative analysis to back up there position).
I'd like to provide a counterpoint to the above and praise the rare few examples of good analysis and video-making in the elite MTT section (they do exist), but I don't want to obscure the essential point that currently there is a deluge of low-quality videos plaguing those of us with elite memberships.
If you are an elite instructor reading this, please consider this a challenge to improve the quality of your videos. Do some range simulations, ICM calculations, and 3B/4B/rejam quantitative analysis. Try to focus your thoughts by doing some preparation before you start talking over footage. If you are struggling to authoritatively justify a decision or the correct play in a spot (which should be your job as an instructor), pause do some work, and come back to present your results. I know most of you are intelligent and can do better than you are doing.
If you are Phil or another partial owner OF RIO please consider trimming the number of MTT pros. To compensate for the reduced content you can either add cash videos, or reduce the price of elite membership. But the status quo is not living up to your goal of providing high-quality content in all areas.
If you are an elite member who agrees please reply or like in support to show that this is a real problem and not the minority ravings of a disgruntled member.
It's a bit of an illness of the whole industry, the poor quality of video content. Firing up some number of tables and rambling for an hour does kinda work if you're Phil Galfond. But it doesn't work so well for all that many others in my opinion. Very often it's clear that there was no preparation on the instructor's part, just randomly rambling about situations as they come up. This is not how to make instructional content guys. It's not how to best share the knowledge of the pros. And even Phil produces better content when properly prepared.
Having spent most of my adult life studying presentation techniques and adult teaching, it's easy to point to simple spots in just about every video that could easily be improved to enhance the learning experience quite a bit. Even just doing 5 minutes of preparation writing down the 2 main points you want to get across (and how you plan to achieve that) in the video would go a long way. This isn't specific for RIO though, it's just a bit sad that RIO is just about on the same level as the whole rest of the industry.
In terms of MTT videos, I only watched a few. I got a bit put off when I watched a series and the instructor clearly didn't even understand ICM or low stack push/call ranges. I'm by no means an MTT expert, but understanding these things seem kinda basic even to me.
Trimming down the MTT videos, it would be interesting to have some occasional vids for other games instead. The 5-card PLO videos would fit nicely in there, or some hilo or stud or draw or whatever. I always find it interesting and entertaining to watch vids for a game I don't play, but on RIO that's not really an option. Oh, and there could be some more PLO MTT content. I only know of the one series from Phils SCOOP win last year.
"It's a bit of an illness of the whole industry, the poor quality of
video content. Firing up some number of tables and rambling for an hour
does kinda work if you're Phil Galfond. But it doesn't work so well
for all that many others in my opinion. Very often it's clear that
there was no preparation on the instructor's part, just randomly
rambling about situations as they come up. This is not how to make
instructional content guys. "
"In terms of MTT videos, I only watched a few. I got a bit put off when I
watched a series and the instructor clearly didn't even understand ICM
or low stack push/call ranges. I'm by no means an MTT expert, but
understanding these things seem kinda basic even to me."
i felt the same way
Yeah Well,
We are really paying a premium premium price, 99$/ month it's 1200$ a year, it's not cheap to say the least.
I'm really contemplating if I should continue paying eventhough I love Phil and Adrian Milroy content, I just don't watch anything else as for now.
I don't want to derail this thread since it's their right to charge whatever they thing is right and it's our right to purchase it and each person has his own opinion.
but I can't see myself paying 1200$ a year eventhough, phil is like jordan to me, well kinda.
We love mtt much! And need more MTT VIDs ofc! Keep recording, thanks <3
Greg -1 !
I agree that the proportion of mtt vids is too high. I think what's really missing from the video content is deep stacked nlhe, I watched the brian rast videos and thought they were awesome but most videos don't seem to have much if any deep stack content, and brianhasn't made any videos for a while :(
Brian Rast vids ftw!!
I think the quaility and content of the videos supplied is fantastic for the relatively small fee? Think of what other videos/packages cost.
Plus the fantastic information, responses and input... all adding up to this being a great deal for us.
I agree more PLO (IMO) and NLHE for you others out there would be nice, but there is still plenty of good content and we should be greatful for the awesomeness we are receiving.
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