i frequently here players talk about situations where villains range is polarized. (aka i can only beat a bluff) wouldn't this be an ideal time to show up with marginal hand slightly better than air?
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James Hudson12 years, 3 months agoWhy? Ideally in this spot we'd like to show up with a hand that's better than some of their value range and that has blockers to some of that value range. That being said, most of the time we just have to settle for a good bluff catcher that blocks some combos of their nutted range. If someone is truly polarized I believe that the blockers we hold are going to be more important than the absolute strength of our hand.
sirrealdeal12 years, 3 months agosorry. screwed up post. meant to say that its ideal spot for villain to show up with marginal hand vs bluffcatcher.
Parker Muir12 years, 3 months agoThe short answer is - yes. If villain perceives your range to be completely polarized and you instead show up with something more marginal, like a weaker one pair hand, you can definitely get him to make some incorrect calls.
angeles12 years, 3 months agoyeah thats a concept i really try to emphasize w/ ppl ive coached at ssnl - being able to show up w/ "thin" hands for value in spots where youre percieved to be polarized
Sam Lang12 years, 3 months agothis concept is used in PLO alot, and in these spots I like going for light value by betting small. It means we eek out value from worse hands where he can put us on a missed draw, means we can bluff for a small ammount to try get our opponents off a missed draw, and a lot of the time it induces shoves where it makes no sense for them to have a hand with SD value, just because they interpret our betsizing as weak, so I think we can make some loose b/c's vs certain opponents.
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