mid-high stakes mtt journal
Posted by Sextonhardcastle
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mid-high stakes mtt journal
Changed this to purely mtt journal
I've been a poker pro the last 10 years. I mainly played live the first 7 years of my career but due to health issues I mostly play mid and high stakes mtts fulltime on ACR and Ignition. I plan to use this thread to post updates on my goals and progress in trying to get to the highest stakes mtts, as well as stories I want to write up on how I got into poker and being a live pro for many years. Also, if you have any mtt questions I'm trying to respond to every post in the mtt section of the forums.
Will post monthly results
Since 2017 - may 2019 according to sharkscope I have a 40% ROI with an avg buy in of $53 on ACR
My ROI on mtts $10-$30 116% with avg buy in of $26 over 2400 mtts
ROI on $31-99 is 34% with a $65 avg buy in over 1700 mtts
ROI on $100+ -22% with avg buy in of $165 over 400 mtts.
Now I know Im a winner at the high stakes MTTs on ignition (No re rentry and worse players). But I also dont have great records to figure out my roi and havent had any good software till recently to track it. On ACR Over half my losses at the high stakes MTTs were from shot taking in 2017 after a big score where I was definitely not a winner in the games. I've been game selecting in 2019 for the high stakes mtts, only playing the large field MTTs as the smaller field ones have a much higher concentration of winning players in them. I think my skill level is such that I should be a winner in these games, but I also know I need to get better. Mainly I think I'm getting crushed by the good players when we get to sub 25bb and Im just playing too loose preflop, theyre calling 3b shoves properly and 3b shoving vs me way more often than players at lower and mid stakes. So thats the main thing Im working on right now. By the end of the year I want to get my mid stakes ROI above 50% and the high stakes roi above 15% With a longer term goal of 30%+
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Playing on ignition where the mtts dont have the best structures. You end up sub 25bb quite a bit. As Im playing today I realize I really just need to memorize a solid 15-25bb open range as I know I cant open as wide as when I'm deep but I see myself staring at K9s mp or A3s ep that I typically open deep and I just really don't know exactly what I should be opening and that seems like a pretty easy problem to fix.
Once a week I'm going to try and figure out where I feel the weakest in my game and focus on fixing that. Right now I've been studying 15-25bb opening/shoving ranges. I'm going to start incorporating a limp strategy in late position 14-20bb effective and see how ppl react. Also, going to open shv less in late position with 18bb+ in the smaller and mid stakes games as I think 2x-2.3x raise is going to be more profitable than the slightly profitable shove.
Plan is to play my standard sun-thurs schedule about 9-10 hrs avg each day and see how I feel about my opening adjustments
Played 4 of the 5 days i planned. I had been running kind of bad this month, running into top of players ranges with strong hands and getting big pairs cracked all in pre. Finally made a couple deep runs. Got all in with best hand on ignition and got beat as a shorter stack early on at final table. However, I managed to get 2nd on ACR in their 40k guarantee $66 for $5500-6000(cant remember exact payout). Nice win to dig me out of the hole that had benn this month so far. Up about $2k on the month now. Will start playing again sunday.
Final tabled sunday warmup on ACR. Decent win but very aggravating. Was chip leader most the time from about 80 players left. With 13 left I lost a flip vs a short stack. Few hands later I defended 95sx in bb. Guy with very high cbet % cbet 1/4 pot on 873sss I c/raised he called. Turn Tx I bet 2/3 pot and had to call off vs a shove for not much more and was dead vs A6ss. Still had a decent stack and was stealing a bit then raise called off 99 vs 16bb shv from someone who had 3b shoved a few times and ran into AA. Build back up and was chip leader at final table and shoved A9s 13bb effective with 3 ppl left to act and a6bb stack who had already folded. Got snapped by AK and lose. Never got traction afterwards.
Really not sure if min raising the A9 is better than the shove. Also, not sure about c/riase vs c/call on the 95 hand and if i should bet big call off turn or check or bet small. Certainly got lucky a few times earlier in the tourney to get to where i got but always hurts not making top 3.
At same time I got knocked out in 20th in the $300 buy in on ig. Shoved JTs 20bb bb v btn riase. Also, not sure if flat or shove was better here. Theres a lot of value in just staying alive on ignition and due to the structure everyone was under 30bb. So made two deep runs and missing out on the big money in both doesn't feel great. Back at it tomorrow.
Running good making a alot of deep runs last couple days. Final tabled the $25 monster stack as chip leader but immediately got kk in vs AK and lost vs 2nd place stack and got knocked out in 8th couple hands later. Also final tabled the $150 monster stack and won it for $5500. Final tabled a $25 on ACR but got knocked out in 9th. Then Final tabled the $88 15k guarantee. was chip leader with 4 left when I 3b AK sbvbtn and bb (2nd in chips) 4b shove all in for 45bb. I had 55bb. the other two players had 10bb and 20bb. 2nd place hadnt been aggressively 3betting or shoving. In the moment it really felt like Im supposed to fold from an ICM point of view but i ended up calling and losing a flip vs QQ. few hands later lose a8v a7 for 7bb all in and out in 4th. Don't feel great about that one. I ran the hand in holem resource calculator and Im supposed to fold AK everytime. Even if i think hes shoving AJ/AQ its still an icm fold according to the calc. And I think he probably just calls my 3b with those pretty often. Moving on, will try not to make the same mistake next time.
Final tabled the 50k $109 on ACR. Lot of weird icm spots. Had one spot where the big stack raise HJ 2.2x and im in the sb with k5s with 15bb. Two shorter stacks at table including a 5bb and 9bb stack. I thought 3b shoving was profitable but wasnt sure and folded. Looking it up afterwards it was a good spot to shove and pick up chips with the ranges i thought he was opening and calling, but i also wasnt sure if he would call way too loose as he was pretty fishy. Also, had a spot 30bb effective AJ bb v btn with two short stacks at table. Guy was raising btn way too wide but i also thought he would call off way wider than hes supposed to and i ended up flatting. Lost a med size pot to 33 on a bricky board where he cbet check turn and value bet super thin on river on T4274. Ended up getting knocked out in 5th. things may have been different if i didnt pass on the k5s spot. I think finding those 3b shoves vs wide openers even when theres shorter stacks at table are spots most ppl miss and they end up dwindling away.
Running pretty well this week. Lets see if we can keep it going today.
GLGL on the grind man. I'm about to get back on the ACR grind myself. How many tables are you playing at once on Ignition? I played the other day for the first time since the software update and found it much harder to multi-table than ACR.
Also, I see you're playing Sunday-Thursday. Are you studying pre-game or on Fridays and Saturdays?
Re that K5 hand. I mean it sounds like you figured out it was +EV for sure after the fact so in a way you missed a profitable bluff spot. But in game you weren't sure, thus folding, keeping your chips, and studying the spot more later looks like the correct line to me.
Thanks for the post! I play a max of 10 tables combined across both sites. I can do a max of 8 if only on ignition or if im playing 2-3 6 max mtts on ig. the synced breaks help but their software is clunky. the acr update was rough at first and messed with my hud but its not too bad now that i got that fixed. the software is just a little too rough on both sites that i dont think i could play more than 10 tables.
Mainly I study a little in the afternoon before i start playing. Then I'll usually have a day either friday or saturday or a week day where life shit gets in the way of playing that i'll do a much longer more in depth study
situations like the k5 i just look into right after the session or when im down to 1 table and its still fresh in my mind.
Had my worst session in terms of how well i played on sunday. Spent two hours trying to fix a $50 printer and failing before starting to play. when it came time to play my mind was all over the place and not focused on poker at all. Besides costing me 2 hours of time it cost me however much equity i punted playing. Seems a stupid thing to affect everything but I really need a couple hours before playing to mentally prep myself and get in the right head space. I dont always play bad when something messes with that but I sure did this time.
Dealing with bs like that before a session isn't good for me either. Sometimes it doesn't affect me but mostly it does take a toll. Contributes to decision fatigue for sure. What I'm working on now is recognizing when I don't have my A game so instead just playing my best B game.
Feel like a played reasonably well mon-thurs after the sunday punt day. I think I should drop a couple of the smaller buy in mtts and limit the number of tables im playing to 8 instead of 10. Ive gotten lost in a few hands lately and am missing some spots in small and multiway pots cause of having too many decisions at other tables. Ran pretty bad most of this week then made a final table on both sites yesterday. busted in 9th shoving 8bb with kjo on ignition. I was shortest stack but utg1 and biggest stack was maybe 35bb. So Im not sure if its better to just wait and shove with worse hands in late position in that spot. Got 3rd on ACR final table 3b shoving 30bb 3 handed with 99 into AA. I think I missed a big opportunity to steal a chop pot earlier bvb with A8 on 23654. As well as a few shoves from button when there was a short stack in the bb who was shoving aggressively but would likely fold to a shove. If i played those aspots better I likely would have had 40bb instead and the guy with AA would have had 25 leaving me still alive and a shot to win. Slightly losing week but June was a good month overall. Looking to carry that into July and the start of tourney series on ACR.
Did you run the spot on ICMizer? They give you 3 free calcs a day in case you didn't know. In game if the spot feels close and I anticipate a lot of better spots coming up I tend to shy away from jamming or calling all in. I'm playing MTTs under $50 lately though so it's okay for me to pass on spots sometimes because a good bit of the time players will be making big mistakes which I can capitalize on later.
I run a lot of spots in holdem resource calculator. I'm not too familiar with icmizer. Any idea how the two differ?
ICMizer as an option to take future game simulations into account. Not sure if HRC has one of those or not. Post the hand details and I'd be happy to run the spot. Right now I'm trying to get really competent with the software. I use their sit & go coach a fair amount and use it to analyze all my all in spots in ICM scenarios.
i dont think hrc has sit n go coach type thing or future game considerations. I'll have to look into it and see how i like it.
Im not sure if the KJ shove will really show much in any of the programs as players on ignition do not come close to correctly calling with icm considerations. either way ill have to go back through and find the hand later to see what all the stack sizes are so the hand can be ran
Frustrating day. Feel like I played pretty well and stayed focused. But had a moment deep in a 20k guarantee where i was preparing food and misread my hand as AT (it was A4) and the big stack sb shoved 30bb effective. I called and lost to A5. Had i read my hand correctly i would have folded. I think he has something like Ax, any two broadway, all med/small pairs
Made some deep runs on igniton but fell short and got 10th in $150 buy in for $700ish and 1st was 9500. big stack was 24bb i was in 7th with 12bb and shoved a3o on btn and got called by 77. Its a profitable icm shove. I think I'd prefer to raise fold pretty often here but both the sb and bb were near top in chips and active in raising and calling their bb and my hand plays awful postflop and they have to play pretty tight vs a shove since its for 50-60% of their stack. Vs a lot of the other players who are not defending bb enough i think min raise fold is better.
Made deep run in $215 sunday special but got knocked out in 16th. Was chip leader with 23 left. Was getting away with a lot of 3bets. I 3bet bb v btn who was opening 80% over large sample with high fold to 3b. got a little carried away and 3bet him again very next bbvbtn with 94o. My thought was to mainly give up postflop if called unless it was a great runout. Flop K35r I cbet 1/3 pot he called. Turn was As. I jammed for close to pot and got snapped off by K9ss that turned flush draw. I'm ok with how i played the hand postflop but should not have 3bet preflop without blockers and should have likely waited a little bit or unitl i got a strong had due to how I had played the ast couple orbits. Still had bunch of chips but lost all in on flop with set vs flush draw and lost a couple more hands that Im ok with how i played. But just a situation that if i had the chips back from the 94 hand I could have still made a big score.
Also ran deep in the $22 40k guarantee tonight. knocked out in 13th. Was at good tables with decent stack but eventually lose a couple hands in a row and get 3b when Im at the bottom of my range and quickly at 15-20bb stack. Eventually got all in and lost in a coinflip 3b shoving 66. Pretty much how the last month has gone. I make a mistake that cost me chips where I would have still had a shot to win the tournament even after taking a beat or losing a few hands. Or just going deep losing a flip or cooler and not cashing for anything relevant.
Probably take tomorrow off to study and get a few things done and give ignition some time to work out whatever problems cause all their mtts to go down tonight.
deep runs = $$$
btw. i dont play live
also nice try
moron blog
Won a small $50 on ignition and got 3rd in the acr $15 20k guarantee. Gets me back to even for the month. Feel like i played fairly well at the acr final table. Incorporated a lot more limping in my strategy at awkward stack sizes when there's icm pressure. I'm still experimenting a lot with this but opponents dont seem to aggressively attack the limp and play more face up. so even though im making some mistakes with it as i figure out my limping strategy, I think opponents are playing much worse vs me than if i had just min raised pre.
I do think my game gets weaker once 3 handed. I think im not finding the spots to barrel my no equity bluffs and not being aggressive enough. I think I dont 3bet enough either vs population tendencies. In general i think players are opening their button too much to the point they cant defend vs 3bets very well. So definitely need to improve there.
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