Richard Feynman and the wonders of the natural world

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Richard Feynman and the wonders of the natural world

I have 4 loves in life, physics, poker, hip hop, and pizza, loves which I always have the urge to share with everybody. I find most poker players have an appreciation of physics so I'd like to share these lectures by my personal hero, Richard Feynman. One of the 5 greatest theoretical physicists of all time IMO, the Nobel prize winner lived a very adventurous life that almost all poker players would admire.

"If you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it." ~Albert Einstein

His messenger lectures are not dumbed down and slightly incorrect for entertainment reasons like most history channel programs, but created so that they can be followed without a scientific background. He doesn't use the bad and usually slightly wrong metaphors that most physicists use. He is a man that does not need these crappy metaphors to stay entertaining and make sense. His love for scientific inquiry shines everytime he speaks his listeners feel the same joy he gets from science. Nothing is more unintuitive and awe-inspiring than the natural world which we live in, so please if you can, take some time to marvel at it with one of the greatest minds to ever live.

Part 1: The Law of Gravitation--
Part 2: The Relation of Mathematics to Physics--
Part 3: The Great Conservation Principles--
Part 4: Symmetry in Physical Law--
Part 5: The Distinction of Past and Future--
Part 6: Probability and Uncertainty--
Part 7: Seeking New Laws--

Great documentary about Richard Feynman (strongly recommended)
Horizon: Richard Feynman - No Ordinary Genius--

Let me know what you think if you do watch

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