The Self Inflicted Carrot Challenge (PLO)

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The Self Inflicted Carrot Challenge (PLO)

I am currently trying to learn PLO and decided to structure that bumpy journey by doing little challenges. This should make it more interesting and increase my motivation. The challenges simply consist of a to-do-list with things to improve my game, a time frame and possible rewards and punishments.

Everyone here is welcome to join with their own goals and rewards/punishments. There are only a few rules (since this a public thread, the “You do not talk about fight club joke” doesnt work, so I let this one slide) :
-Dont spam this thread with contentless comments, bad beats, whining or flames etc.
-If you fail a challenge and do not do the punishment, youre out for good, consider this thread as strict as a chinese rehab facility. I know its hard to prove if someone fails since this is all based on the honor system, but I can picture people posting their challenge and then simply neglecting this thread.

I have already completed the first one, my reward was to buy a nice plant for my desk and a Pizza (I am currently living in Thailand, where a Pizza is an exquisite gourmet-dish, at least a good one).

This is my current challenge:

4 weeks (started on january 29th) to:

-watch 20 videos and take at least one page of notes on each
-post 20 hands in the forums
-reply to more hands than I post
-read 50 pages of a PLO book
-analyze 10 NL hands in CREV

My reward will be a cooking class where I learn about making deep fried springrolls and pad thai, my punishment will be having to eat nothing but bananas for 3 days.

The time frame is flexible, I only count days where I touched my laptop (I sometimes take trips that take several days and deduct those days).

Please feel free to post your own challenges here, a fellow PLO grinder on skype already mentioned his willingness and will (hopefully) post soon.


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