The secret to poker

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The secret to poker

table selection~


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deadgambino 10 years, 6 months ago

I was reading an article on table selection that had mentioned that its best to wait until after 5pm as this is usually the time when the less experienced players get off of work and unwind playing for entertainment mostly, and also around the time when a lot of regs will call it a day (his reasoning being that the average regs treats OL poker like a job and will usually play 9-5ish). Personally, I'm not so sure - but if theres any truth to this I'll no longer play before 5pm :3

Deactivated User 10 years, 5 months ago

The problem for a US player today is that table selection is nonexistent most of the time. Due to what's available as a result of traffic and the current reg to fish ratio, you're very often left with no other options but to deal with the situation as is. 

arizonabay 10 years, 5 months ago

Yes but as a U.S player I find the reg to fish ratio to be weighted to fish....I don't even table select all that hard and usually end up w/ at least 2 fish at each table....sometimes I look up and am surrounded by could be much different in the HU landscape but in 6 max it is pretty easy to table select....just sit down!!!!

So_Nitty 10 years, 5 months ago

Yesterday I looked for loose tables with high participation and lots of chips flying around and did much better. Just avoided the temptation to play too many hands myself without being too tight. Played good hands in position. A couple of times I sat at tables where people were putting me in tough spots so I just left. Up several BI at end of short session. Yes!

gargamel_fk 10 years, 5 months ago

It is partially true. I remember 3 years ago playing on infamous dollaro network which back then was insanely fishy and I would crush nl100 6-max with like 15bb/100 playing my 19/15 60% fold to cbet style. Then after one year or so I moved to Pokerstars and got destroyed. I just got crushed and didn't know what do.

A friend of mine who I live with now he make solid money in poker (10k+ $ per month) and he is like a terrible HU bumhunter. Given that he do all sort of shaddy stuff (e.g. grimming or buttoning) his profits comes from 2-3 not really well know sites where there is still just a few regs. Take it from him and he is down making maybe 2-3k$ per month and only if sites don't do anything with how the HU lobby looks like and what people do there.

It is easy to think about poker being fishy and forever there when you can play on bovada but what you don't know that only US players,Chinese and Canadians are allowed to play poker there. So basically you have no regs to compete with. I myself would pay a lot per month just ot be able to play there given how insanely fishy even the midstakes games are there.

The point is it is worth to be good at poker and play tough games too sometimes because you don't know what might happen and sites do get more and more hostile towards regs (e.g. merge network,party poker etc). So when you have a skill to support you no matter what happen you will be able to still play and make money.

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