The Rebirth:A former grinders journey back to Pro status

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The Rebirth:A former grinders journey back to Pro status

Oh where to begin.....
Most of you probably don't know me, as I haven't been around the forums in quite some time. Instead of typing a wall of text about my story I'll just list some bullet points to highlight the important things for you about myself.
-Former fulltime Professional poker grinder
-Current fulltime Personal Trainer, also have an online training business on the side
-Highest stakes played is 200nl
-Current stakes for starting up again is 10nl
-Goals for 2016 are build my bankroll back to minimum of 50 buyins for 100nl, and grow my online training business to the point of earning an extra $5k/month
-I'd like to eventually get to a point where I can grind poker fulltime again and use my online training as a side income, like I was years ago.

So there's my "story" if you will....
I will usually only have 2-3 hours/day during the week to grind/study, with random times during the day and on weekends. So in reality im looking at 10-15 hours/week of grind time. So this obviously wont be a quick race back to where I was, but I think itll be a very interesting one to see how much I can adjust to todays games and if I can break out of the micros.
Stay tuned for HH's, graphs, thoughts, and anything else I find worthy of posting.

I'll do my best to update this frequently, especially if people begin to follow me on my journey.


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