The most important thing to focuse while playing

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The most important thing to focuse while playing

Hi guys!

True my experience it's much harder to get into the zone if you try to solve every situation "mathematically", as an example before flatting marginal hand from bb vs. button openraise checking out from a pop up how much our opponent let's us realize equity post-flop by not cbetting how much he folds turn after misses cbet etc. By doing stuff I mentioned you actually try as much as you can to try exploit your opponent and make every situation most profitable for you. This should be the thing you should do but at the same time you easily start missing out info like timingtells, and you can't perceive the ranges as well as you would be doing once just playing and trying to play the situation more than your opponent. Once you just concentrate hard without "having your concentration taken away of the table", (F.e. pop-up's), you get more easily into the zone and your brain starts functioning in a much higher state finding better bluff spots, good hero folds etc.....

Getting into my point........ : What is more +EV, looking for how to make spot's the most +EV by yourself using your HUD a lot or just trying to concentrate hard on the game and letting your brain into the Zone?

Worst you can do is ofc. just to autopilot, not try to realy think about ranges and how to make the best out of the current hand and also not try to make the best vs. your specific opponent. Where do you try to focuse the most on while playing? Or do you mix it up trying to improve at some of your sessions your approach to your HUD use and on other sessions try more to get into the zone?

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