The journey has started
Posted by Aurelius
Posted by Aurelius posted in Poker Journals
The journey has started
I made a thread yesterday to get to a final conclusion to join the essential membership or not. I have been lurking for some time. And after checking many forums about RIO, and that final thread from yesterday, I decided to go for it.
To me, it wasn't so much about the 9.99$. It's cheap. My biggest concern was that the bulk of the essential videos are played at 100nl and up. I play 5nl, and it's very easy to see a great player like IRunLucky doing things and copy pasting it to 5nl. He is the pro, so he plays correct. However, certain processes that are normal at 100nl+ are bad at lower stakes. One of the coaches showed me that with me already being aware of this, I am less likely to fall for this mistake. It's about the thought processes. It's about what you need to think about entering and being in a hand.
Another concern was the ratio of play (gaining experience) and studying. I believe the ratio should be 80% play, 20% study. However, I am very addicted to education. Hearing great players talking about a game I love is a blessing. So I need to be aware that I keep the ratio correct.
I decided to join because I realised the concerns I have are in my awareness so I am less likely to fall for them.
My plan in the beginning is to watch mostly Hand review and live sessions. I will explain the reason for this. I play at 5nl. This means I probably have some silly leaks in my game that are very easy to plug just by seeing better players then me play. For now, I don't really need to go to deep in the theory of balance. For me, It's already enough to see that I might be opening a bit to loose from the SB. Or 3-betting a bit to wide versus unknown opponents.
So the first video I watched was a live session from IRunLucky. It already showed me that I am still a bit to loose in 3-bet spots (defending my button and blinds a bit to aggressively). I am also a bit too loose in my opening ranges. For me, JKo was a standard open from UTG, however, seeing IRunLucky folding it every time without mentioning it, made me think twice. Not so much about folding JKo, but more that I need to consider things better. A 57s open can be fine from the BTN with two tight players in the blinds, not so much when one player is defending a bit too much.
At 5NL I play mostly with unknown opponents. This means my 3-bets should probably go towards value until I know more about the folding tendencys of a player. This also translates postflop. Without knowing a player, it's probably better to go for a bit more of a standard play then trying to be fancy.
In the thread earlier mentioned the coach in question told me I will not recognize myself as the player I am today in a couple of months. I hope he is right. I see that I probably have way more leaks that I thought I had. Probably also a couple of big ones.
I am planning on watching only a couple of videos a week, because I do need to keep focusing on actually playing.
In this thread I will try to keep a journal about my poker development. At the moment, I am free from work so playing is easy. However, when I get back to my 40 hour a week job, with training 5-6 times a week and a girlfriend who asks for my attention, poker will become tougher to schedule.
On that note, I rather be a good recreational player then a losing one who needs to keep on depositing. So no matter what, RunItOnce is probably a good decision.
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