The Grind ver. 2, 100k hands til end of month
Posted by FZTH
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The Grind ver. 2, 100k hands til end of month
Last time i failed my grind attempt, lets do it again, this time again bit smarter.
Playing NL50SH
Atm i have 18k hands, im going to aim 100k hands @ NL50SH til end of month.
I have been in poker long time (8+years), grinded everything, sometimes havent grind a hand half year, then as pro 6months, then again nothing etc. Higest i have played as pro is NL400.
Im one of these players, who have been here long time and havent focus so much of improving. Its not 2009 anymore and im actually not 100% sure i beat this games still, so i need now hard work and grind a lot to know where im and then i can go from there.
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How to run @ NL50, my game is really broke, have no fucking idea how im going to get out of this :P but i will do my best (bankroll is sinking haaaaaaaard)

Look at dat Orange....
You need to make a sacrifice to the poker gods ASAP. They clearly don't like you at the moment.
Very Viking I like!
last attempt failed, mostly due bad run (at the end i was close to 50bi below ev, ez game) + bad play because of this etc. whatever, lets try again, this time with more safe brm, deposited again 1500 and will start from NL20 and with less tables this time.
Montly goals (pretty safe goals this time, dont have idea what im going to face this time)
*100hours of play
*9tables max
*40hour study
Daily goals:
*Update blog every day i play
*Tableselect well
*Play w/o tension in my head (clear your mind, dont focus too much on details)
*Trust your guts as much as possible
*Use what you have learned
I like that you changed hands to hours. I hope for success this time!! wish you better luck than you had last time on nl50
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