The difficulty with the online experience.

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The difficulty with the online experience.

Getting back into online- poker again takes time.  Building confidence in the process takes time. In live poker I consider my self confident. I've played live for the past year and a half. I know my weekly schedule for example. I know the players and I have a year and a half of experience to know based on my result tracking and based on these results I am fully aware that I crush the games. Even when things go wrong I feel confident, I have players coming up to me letting me know that I am the best in the game and just to play my game. I get people saying things like "I have no doubt you'll be crushing this game shortly". and "You are the reason this game is dying". I can talk hands with other winning players on text and phone to discuss hands and get reads on other players. There is a community there and someone to always call that can discuss every situation and vibe of the game. 

Online is a different animal for me. NJ just legalized online poker very recently, and while my bankroll is growing, I find it harder to deal with swings. For one there is no one to discuss hands with. Posting hands in forums definitely is a viable option, but for some reason it feels impersonal. It sometimes is hard to deduce who is giving great advice and who isn't. Sure one can explain a thought process but is it necessarily the best writer that gives the best advice? Ideally it would be nice to get a close nit community of friends who are improving and trust worthy, but how? Lately I have also looked at 2+2 forum for coaches and even had an exchange with a coach. But It seems that there is a shortage of coaches since Black Friday. The one coach I actually contacted about coaching stressed that they where over capacity with students. Right now I am just left to navigate the waters my self ( Playing and watching videos ). I am much better and its easier for me in a community. I love talking poker and growing as a player online seems very limited to me right now and not as much fun. Perhaps some one could share some advice how they have grown as players to build a strong friendship base and interaction so they can sail the sometimes turbulent waters of online poker not in a boat with an oar but on a party yacht.?


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